Monday, September 24, 2007

Yellow Jackets :(

Well, we thought it was shaping up to be a very boring, uneventful weekend, which is just how we like to spend our weekends these days. Yesterday afternoon we were outside talking with our neighbor and Meredith went over to her front porch and climbed up onto this old fashioned desk that she keeps on her front porch as a decoration. Well, Meredith managed to shake up a yellow jacket nest that was inside the desk and out came the swarm all over her. Chris was right there and managed to pick her up quickly and get all of them off of her and I suppose she was lucky to only get stung four times, two on her neck, one on her shoulder and one under her eye. Poor baby was screaming her head off and I was scared to death. We actually called poison control because the sting is literally a poison and they were actually very helpful ( SO happy that we were smart awhile back and programmed the number into our cell phones, although I don't want to call ever again if possible!) and advised to give her benadryl, but the pediatrician would have to tell us the dosage. Of course, we didn't have any benadryl in the house because we haven't needed it yet. Meredith had actually calmed down quite a bit and was being such an incredible little trooper, so we loaded her in the car so we could get the medicine to her as soon as we got it. The pediatrician called us right back while we were in the car and told us the dosage amount. That was a very nerve wracking 30 minutes to watch my little girl swell up and pray that she wouldn't have an allergic reaction. Thank goodness she was ok, but it was really scary. I actually left work early today to take her to the doctor because the swelling around her eye just hasn't gone down like I thought it would. They were also very helpful and advised that the only option would be a shot of steroids, which I really didn't want if not necessary and neither did the doctor. She wasn't too concerned about the swelling in her eye since the other stings had no swelling, so we'll just watch it for another 24 hours. It is probably just because it is such a sensitive part of the skin. Poor baby looks like she got punched in the eye!

We had just been to the pediatrician on Friday for her 18 month well check (she's 19 1/2 months old, so we're behind again!) She weighs 27 lbs 13 oz (85th percentile) and is 33 inches tall (75th percentile). She got her Hep A shot and got an overall A+ from the doctor. Chris took her and said he was very impressed with the doctor who is a Nurse Practioner. I'm getting increasingly more confident in non-MD healthcare providers. I go to a Physicians Assistant for my primary care and I totally love her and this NP was great with Meredith and did a great job talking with Chris too. Yes, Med school is very important, but bed side manner and personality make such a difference! So, hopefully we won't be back to the pediatrician again so soon!

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