Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Mean, mean molars

Having a sick baby with molars pushing through at the same time just isn't good. Meredith got the bug her dad had last week and has been totally miserable. She spiked a fever on Friday morning, so I left work and took her to the doctor. (by the way, tried the new pediatrician up at Brier Creek, The Growing Child, and was very pleased). She got an antibiotic and cough medicine and went downhill from there the rest of the weekend. She struggled with a fever, cough and congestion all weekend along with terribly swollen gums from her inscisors and molars pushing. She would just start crying and want to be held constantly, so I got nothing done all weekend. I sat up with her for awhile at 4am on Saturday while she just wanted to be held and needed another dose of Tylenol since she was burning up. Once again, those late nights make me remember the days of a newborn...not ready for that again! By Sunday I thought we were coming out of it, but still wasn't sure, so I let her sleep in until after 10:00 on Monday and took her to daycare for half a day. I really didn't want to take another vacation day if I didn't have to and she ended up doing fine. She fell apart again last night and her cough is still pretty hacky, but I am seeing glimpses of my sweet baby coming through again. If those poor teeth would give her some relief, we'd really be on our way!

Here is the best Easter picture I have of her in her pretty dress (notice the drool all over the collar!). She just wouldn't cooperate for any other pictures! Late again, but at least it's something!

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