Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Bye Bye bottle!

(This is a pic from when we went to the mudcats a few weeks ago).
Well, it is quite overdue, but we are officially saying goodbye to the bottle. Meredith still won't drink milk out of a cup, but I figure she can't have a bottle forever, so it's time to just take it away completely and be sure she gets calcium elsewhere with cheese and yogurt etc. I've tried everything to get her to drink it out of a cup. I've bought new cups, some with straws, some that are just cool colors, I've tried soy milk, chocolate milk, watered down milk, half milk & half formula, only water in the bottle. She just takes one sip from the cup, makes a face and puts it down and wants nothing to do with it. I had just been hanging onto the bottle because that was the only way she was getting milk in one or two bottles a day, but now that she is 15 months old, it's just time. The good thing is that she loves cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, & broccoli (I was kindof surprised to know that broccoli is high in calcium!), so we're just going that route and will continue to try giving her milk to see if she finally will take it now that she doesn't have a bottle.

I'm so thankful that she is well again. She really was wiped out with that nastiness she had and I just can't express how nice it is to have my happy girl back! Makes me appreciate the mischief she gets into and not worry so much about all the messes she makes while she is her happy little self! We really are lucky because she hasn't been sick very much at all and I certainly don't want to re-visit it again anytime soon.

Have I mentioned that she is still obsessed with shoes? She loves them! If Chris or I leave our shoes out, she picks them up and brings them to us and tries to put them on our feet. She often finds her own shoes and will sit on the floor trying to get them on her feet, which never works, but she tries! She also hates having them on in the car. She pulls and pulls on them to see if she can get them off. Not sure what all this means, but I'm sure that this too will pass!

She also loves to try to put things together. It may be something simple, like a lid to a bowl, but she will sit there and try to fit the two pieces together for the longest time. She still won't sit still long enough to watch any tv/videos for any length of time, but some of them are starting to catch her eye. Anything with animals or babies really stops her in her tracks...for a second or two at least!
Oh yeah, her faaavorite thing to say lately is 'doggeee'. Although, everything is a doggee, everything. First we thought it was just all animals, but now it's pretty much anything she is pointing at that very moment. It is very cute :)

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