Thursday, March 22, 2007

Not a fun first

Well, we have had our first fun bout of vomiting all night. Meredith must have eaten something that didn't agree with her on Monday, so she puked all night. Poor baby, I think the feeling really scared her since she hasn't ever really done that before. Fortunately, I was scheduled to work from home the next day, so I could keep a close eye on her. She never got a fever and was just sleepy the next day because of her eventful night and seemed to be back to herself for the most part. I hadn't pulled the 2-4am shift in awhile, so I was exhausted too. Chris was a great help with changing the sheet and starting laundry, while I changed her and got her settled down, which was a big help.
All of you mommies out there can now breath a sigh of relief because my baby girl that I was determined wouldn't be a picky eater, now is a picky eater. Maybe it's just a phase, but she is not eating like she used to and pushes everything away. She is very much into shaking her head no and clamping those lips super tight so that nothing will get in! The other big challenge is that she hates milk. I waited to give it to her until she was a year old, like all the dumb books say, but she will not drink it out of a bottle or cup and if she even takes one sip, she quickly figures it out and drops the cup onto the floor. She just loves her formula! I've been trying to mix a little milk with her formula and I'll gradually increase the ratio of milk to formula. She seems ok with that so far, but I think she can tell because she doesn't suck it down like normal. I don't want to take her bottle away since she will only drink juice out of a cup and I need her to get enough fluid that isn't all juice, so I'm just going with it and trying not to stress about it. So, any of you mommies out there that have suggestions on how to get her to transition to milk only, go for it! I'm listening! I've heard a lot of people say that their child never noticed the difference. Well, apparently mine has a very discerning palate! Ha!

1 comment:

KCM said...

sorry to hear she was sick, but glad it passed quickly. it is always scary when they get like that, they are just so small. i have never had the issue with the milk, i know jamie will only drink his warm, have you tried that? i heat his for about 20 seconds in his cup and he sucks it down. if she won't take it from a cup, maybe try giving her the formula in the cup from now on the help with the transition to the cup then try to milk. and only give her small amounts of milk when you have a meal and let her feed it to herself. maybe her refusal is her showing her ability to do things on her own and assert her power over what happens....maybe if she can do it herself it will make a difference. hope something works for you!