Saturday, March 17, 2007

It's been awhile...

Wow, it has been a long time since I have posted anything. Life has been flying by at warp speed and I'm barely keeping up! Meredith is spending the weekend with my mother-in-law, so I have a few minutes to post. What has been going on? Chris is into his Spring sports season after a whole week between last season & this season, so his game nights are the same nights as class nights for me, so we've been calling on my mom a lot lately to help out with Meredith. Meredith is just wonderful. She doesn't slow down for much and is almost always in a good mood :) Her new favorite thing to do is to give you a chin nod. Yes, like she's saying 'wassup'? She kindof grunts and pops her chin out like she's taking a second to acknowledge you, gives a grin and back to whatever she is doing. She's getting a little better and saying dada every now and then, but it's mostly still mama and A LOT of babble. She definitely is getting the cadence of speech down, it just happens to be in Meredithese. I try to play along like I know what she's telling me, and she is just so serious about what she's saying. She also loves this electric sweeper thing I use to 'sweep' the kitchen floor. The thing is twice her height, but she lugs it around like it's a toy! She still likes things that are far too big for her, like when I picked her up one day from daycare, she was carrying a bouncy seat across the room. Yes, my daughter has that strong Smith blood in her! We had a few very nice warm days this week, so she was able to play outside during the day, which she loved. Oh yeah, she has also figured out how to kick a soccer ball. She does a really good job with it! Do we have a soccer player on our hands? If it can get her any sort of college scholarship, I'm all for it! I went to a college planning seminar this week and we are going to be opening a 529 account for her soon. With 17 years until college, I hope we are starting soon enough!! It's a pretty depressing thought to know how much college will cost when she is ready to go. Hopefully I will have my own college loands paid off by then!! Ok, now I'm just babbling. Nothing too exciting has been going on other than the normal stress with school and work and baby. Oh, I have had quite a few doctors appointments lately trying to get me to feel better. I just started on blood pressure medicine yesterday, so maybe that will help. I think a major blood pressure reducer will be graduation....only around 90 days left!!!
Sorry, no pictures. Just writing a post is a feat for now!

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