Monday, February 19, 2007

A year with Meredith :)

I've been wanting to make a timeline of the major Milestones from Meredith's first year so that when I get around to doing her baby book, I'll have it all set. This probably won't be very interesting for anyone, but wanted to do it for myself :) Thank goodness for this blog because if it was left up to my memory, there would be nothing!

2/2/06- Meredith Grace Elliott, 3:05pm, 8lbs 5oz, 21", Rex Hospital
2/19/06, 17 days old- Baptised at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Early April, 8 weeks- spinal ultrasound at WakeMed (all was fine)
Early April, 8-9 weeks- first smiles & laughing
Mid April, 10-11 weeks- starting to sleep 6 hours at night
Mid May, 2 1/2 months -started with babysitter, rolling over
May- 3 months- started sleeping for 12 hours at night
Late June, 4 1/2 months- 1st cereal
Early June, 18 weeks- started being really happy all the time, major changes
Mid June, 4 1/2 months- Sleeping on tummy
Early July, 5 months- first beach trip, up an all fours & almost crawling
August, 6 months- first solid food, sitting well on own, crawling
Mid September, 7 1/2 months- full size carseat, saying mama, standing in crib
Late September, 7 3/4 months- climbing stairs, says dada
October, 8 months- first finger food
Mid October, 8 1/2 months- first tooth (bottom right)
November, 9 months- standing on own, using walker to walk
Mid November, 9 1/2 months- first step
Early-mid December, 10 months- walking well
Mid-late January, 11 months- Teeth 3-5 & clapping

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