Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter 2007

I am having such a blast with Meredith. She cracks me up every day. She has started this silly toothy grin and she squishes her face up at the same time and just giggles. She will just run through the house hollering happy noises and waving her arms around like a crazy person. She has so much personality! We got her a one of those kid size soft chairs with Dora on it for Easter(I decided that dark haired Dora was a better choice than blond Cinderella for my brunette baby!) and oh my goodness, I think we may need to take it back. The acrobatics that have ensued since we got it have made me quite nervous. First of all, she had her first meltdown in the toy department because she couldn't take everything she saw and then when we put the chair in the cart she about vaulted into the back part of the cart from the front of the cart, so we had to shove it underneath. We should have know that this thing was going to cause problems! She now climbs in it so she can climb into the couch and chairs easier, but then she likes to bend the back of it over and flips the whole thing. She is quite amused by it, so we'll see if the newness wears off.
She was a pretty good girl for church yesterday, mostly because she spent most of it in the nursery! She was just being wiggly and squirmy and we were trying to get her to make it to the children's sermon, but Chris and I both smelled something, so thinking she was dirty I went ahead and took her out. Turns out it was the kids in front of us with real hard boiled eggs in their easter baskets that we were smelling! Oh well, she seemed to have a pretty good time in the nursery anyway.
We did a little Easter egg hunt too. She immediately locked in on the colorful eggs in the yard, but it took her a minute to figure out that she should put them in her basket. At first, she would pick up one, then another and then drop one to pick up another since her hands were full. It was pretty cute. I just filled them with goldfish and cheerios since we aren't doing candy yet and she thought that was pretty cool too once she figured out that they opened up.
Meredith will be home with Chris all this week for Spring Break, so I'm jealous, but I'm thinking of taking Friday off too.
No pictures again. She barely sat still to take any decent pictures yesterday, but I'll try to get some uploaded soon.

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