Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Good Wheels

We have gradually been cleaning closets, the attic, drawers, going through bins and bins of clothes etc in preparation for our impending arrival. We've only recently gotten really serious about it though and it has entailed multiple trips to Goodwill to drop things off. It's amazing how much of a packrat I used to be...my wonderful husband who moved like 8 times before he graduated high school has taught me the beauty of getting rid of stuff and boy does it feel good! Chris and I both had the day off yesterday for the MLK holiday and we really dug into the attic to a) start getting baby stuff down and b) to purge and make some room in the attic in general. So, we ended up with a massive pile in a short period of time and Chris was packing up the car to drive up to Goodwill and Meredith kept saying something and we realized she was calling Goodwill, 'Good Wheels'. At first I thought it was just a major southern accent, but no, she has renamed it Good Wheels :)

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