Thursday, January 22, 2009

Blizzard of 2009!

Well, we survived the big snow! I know to other parts of the country it is rediculous, but for NC to get around 6 inches of snow is a huge deal. We haven't had anything but a few flakes for about 4 years, so it makes it so novel every time it happens! We already had a nice long weekend with the MLK holiday and then Chris (of course) didn't have school Tues or Weds and they are delayed 2 hrs this morning. I had to make my way into work during the thick of the snow (we almost never closed-our HQ is in Boston, so they think this is crazy), although almost no one else came to work. I am responsible for checking the voicemail for people who won't be coming in on any given day so I can make staffing adjustments where needed and we had over 130 voicemails! Yikes, itwas not a fun day. I think the only thing that saved us was that the Inaguration had the country pretty distracted and no one was calling us!

Speaking of the Inaguration, I had totally planned on just watching it online since a TV really isn't necessary to watch these types of events anymore. Well, I just saw that the Triangle area had the highest viewing % in the country; therefore, that would make more sense as to why I couldn't sign onto to any of the websites and see it, everything was either terribly slow or it would just go in and out. I was totally bummed that I missed it live, but it doesn't change the magnitude of the event! I also thought it was totally cool that the next day, Meredith saw the front page of the N&O and said, "Hey Mama, look at that guy. That's Obama!". We're working on the word 'president', but it tends to come out as something more like 'pregiment'...who knows.

To be honest, I have been ok coming to work and being out of the house because my child is making me crazy! She spent the night at my mom's on Saturday bc it was our annual winter party for work. Mom said she had been great for her and she had taken her to Sunday School and then I met them for service. Meredith proceeded to be terrible enough that I had to take her out of church and she then threw fits in the narthex and literally laid on the floor. She is so opinionated and stubborn all the time. There is no talking sense to her at all. She has moments of absolute gloriousness (not sure if that's a real word, but it fits!), but then it's like a switch is flipped and she is so darn naughty I don't know what to do with her. Don't get me wrong, she makes me laugh all the time, but she frustrates me just as much. She is so independent these days too that it makes things like brushing her teeth a nightmare because she 'can do it'. She's really into dress up and being super creative these days. I hear her playing with her dolls sometimes and the conversations totally make me laugh and realize that whether it seems like it or not, she is listening and taking in what we tell her because she regurgitates it to her dolls (with a wagging finger...I promise I don't do that!). On the other hand, she has really improved when we go out to restaurants. She sits fairly still and actually eats her food and doesn't cause too much chaos in the place. I'd say that has really improved over the past several months. Trust me, she's still quite spirited, but it's a little more reigned in when we're in public (most of the time). I remember watching kids who were sitting nicely and eating their food across a restaurant, while I'm literally wrestling with my child, thinking that she'd never do that, but I guess everything passes, huh? They never said being a parent was an easy job!

Ok, I've rambled on long enough. Have a good one!

1 comment:

KCM said...

jamie is right there with meredith! he will now stomp his feet and tell you "no" with a lot of gusto; eyes are shut and lips are pouted out. but i guess we have to try to remember the good things when they are really testing us don't we?!