Friday, January 30, 2009

Almost 3 year old funnies

A few funnies.

-Weds night I went over to a friend's house. I had gotten Meredith's dinner ready, but she decided she didn't want to eat anything but her pears, so the mac n cheese & green beans were just sitting on the table when I left. Well, she told Chris a little later that she was hungry, but wanted to eat upstairs in her room (she has a little table & chairs in there and I mistakenly let her have a snack up there one time and determined that was a big no-no on my part). Well, she knew she could get it past her father who was glued to a game on his new flat screen tv in the loft, so he brought it upstairs for her. Well, she proceeded to make 'soup' by mixing her juice with her mac n cheese and then it appeared that she flung it all around the room (no evidence of green beans, so she either ate them or they are hiding somewhere. Fortunately, he had it cleaned up by the time I got home, but this is what happens on Daddy's watch.

-Meredith has figured out that if she puts her fingers in her ears it makes things sound different, so at random times I'll see her standing there, fingers in ears just humming or singing or talking. Pretty funny.

-She busted out with this song she learned at daycare awhile back,
'Arriba's up, Abajo's down,
I speak Spanish and English too,
I like them both, how bout you??' (enter lots of enthusiasm and jumping up and down here)
That just totally cracked me up. She actually knows quite a bit of Spanish. Counting to 10, her colors, directions, some basic commands, but our daycare lady says that when she tells the kids to do something, she will very often only say it in Spanish and Meredith is great about knowing exactly what to do. So, I think she actually understands a lot more than she can actually say. It's just proof that repetition with anything can really sink in! I can't help but think that this will help her later on in life when she's in a classroom learning Spanish.

-She has also recently determined that boys and girls are different. Not in any anatomical way, but just that there are boys and there are girls. She frequently reminds us that Mommy and Meredith are girls and Daddy is a boy. I have to just laugh, but some of the things she says are just totally made up. Like last night her daddy was going to read her bedtime stories and she piped up saying, "No, boys can't read stories!"...that translation could easily read that he almost never reads to her, so hence, boys can't read stories. She does a lot of the boys can't do this and girls can't do that kind of talk, which makes me cringe a little and I have to remind myself that she isn't a right wing Republican, but an almost 3 year old who is a little sponge and I just try to calmly reinforce that girls and boys can do whatever they want if they put their minds to it!!

It's hard to believe she'll be 3 on Monday!

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