Thursday, December 04, 2008

Thanksgiving 08

Thought I'd give a Thanksgiving update. We left for TN around 1:30 on Tuesday afternoon to embark on the trip that would take what felt like an eternity! We had to make multiple stops for diaper related issues (no, no potty training yet), food, gas etc and then we came to a dead stop about 2 hours outside of Knoxville. We crept along at 2 mph for about 45 minutes and the reason we were stopped was because a Christmas tree truck had spun out and spilled the trees all over the road. Let's say I wasn't feeling the Christmas cheer about those trees at all! Anyway, a trip that usually takes 5.5 hrs ended up taking well over 7 hrs. Meredith was really great for the most part thanks to the dvd player and lots of snacks.

It was a pretty lazy trip in that we didn't really do much of anything. Chris' Aunt and Uncle were there as well as a cousin and his family for Thursday. His two step-brothers and step-sister-in- law came on Friday. The one brother and wife have a 9 month old and they announced they are already 4 months pregnant again! Yikes....they are NUTS! However, you could mistake their little girl for a doll since she doesn't ever make a noise or whimper, so somehow they got really lucky.

We were lazy, but Meredith absolutely ran herself silly. She would NOT take a nap, so by 8:00 she was ripe for bed, but still didn't want to go to know the drill. She got to help Kaci with the horses, like dumping the bucket of feed into the trough and lugging the hose around etc. I got some really cute pictures I'll try to post soon. She had lots of fun.

Chris actually went to the outlets at 3am with his sister and brother in law on Friday for their Midnight madness sale. I definitely didn't go, but he did bring back lots of goodies for me!! Good boy :)

Thank goodness the week is already almost over. Nothing else too exciting going on other than trying to get shopping done. Our first Christmas is next weekend in Greensboro, so better get crackin'!

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