Monday, November 24, 2008

Ready for a vacation

We've had a mixed week this week. Meredith woke up puking at 11:15pm on Weds night and proceeded to vomit all night long. We finally all fell asleep at 4am and she didn't get sick again after that, but we were a sad, tired crew the next day. It seemed to be just a 24 hour thing because she was back to happy self late the next day. Chris stayed home and I had already planned to work from home that day anyway, but had tons of work to do, so it made for an interesting day. I seemed to get by without anything, but Chris started it on Saturday night...ugh

Chris went to the UNC/State game on Saturday, which was a total waste of time for him since his beloved heels got trampled. Meredith and I had a good time going to the library, grocery store and then making pumpkin bread together (she is a big helper these days). I'm a little embarrased to say that I've only recently discovered the Durham public library that is only about 6 miles from my house. We went there for early voting and it is a lovely little library, so I finally got my library card and we've been getting lots of great books for Meredith ever since (The favorites seem to be 'Fancy Nancy' and the 'If You Give a Pig a Party' collection). The most recent topic of choice for my books is potty training...lord help me. I think I'm moving in the direction of the 24 hr method of having a potty party all day. The key is finding a day that I can dedicate the entire day to it... I'm going to pretty much leave the topic alone with her until then and hope it makes a big impact since she adores parties.

Meredith and I went to Sunday school and church yesterday and had lunch with my dad and Allison at Brueggers. My Mom was down in Georgia finding her inner hippie and protesting/picketing at Ft. Benning, which is where there is something called 'School of Americas' ( where the US military basically trains Latin American troops on combat tactics to take back home to continue the repression in those countries...lovely isn't it? I honestly hadn't heard much about it until my Mom told me about it. I'm really proud of her for standing up against such a terrible thing.

We're heading to TN tomorrow for Thanksgiving and then when I get back home I'm on my own at work again for two weeks while my partner goes to his grad program in another state....I get a little bitter since I had to do my entire program on my own time and I get to do his work while the company gives him most of the time to be away as' development'. Bitter...

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!

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