Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's been awhile

I realized that it has been awhile since I've posted much of substance. No promises tonight, but I'll get something out.
Work has been working me non-stop for well over a month now and I'm really worn out. I'm finishing my biggest project of the year by the end of this week, so I'm hoping to be able to re-claim a little more time. I have to go back into work in about an hour to run a report...I don't like to interrupt my evenings, but it makes my life easier in the morning, so it helps me somehow. It is also year end review time, which means writing out all of your accomplishments for the year so that the 'powers that be' can all go in a room and decide who gets what kinds of rankings and raises. Somehow, I have gotten rather lost in the shuffle of that whole process over the past few years because I always thought that your work should speak for itself and I work my tail off and it just isn't enough since I'm not a pro at brown-nosing. It frustrates me when I'm trying to instill good values in my child when I know how the real world works and as long as you do enough work to get by and kiss up to the right people, you get the most recognition.....can you tell I'm frustrated? I guess that's life.
Meredith is frustrating me to no end with potty training. She really could care less about it and I'm just not sure what to do with her. She will be great every now and then, but overall she just isn't interested. Otherwise, she is just a hoot and makes us laugh all the time. She hears everything and we have really had to start watching what we say around her since she is a little parrot. She has also gotten very picky about what she wears. She has this one summer dress that I bought on clearance at the end of this past summer for next year that she wants to wear all the time. I guess that wouldn't be a big deal, but it is sleeveless and it is a freezing cold November! She literally gets home from daycare, hunts down that dress, takes off all of her clothes and puts that thing on like it is her 'housecoat'! Little miss picky has definitely entered the scene!
We are heading to Tennessee for Thanksgiving next week. It's hard to believe it's already here. I really need some time off, so hope it is relaxing.....well, as relaxing as it can be at your in-laws :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

It's like you're describing Lydia. She wore shorts & short sleeves to the park today - it was 50 degrees - and I was trying to Love and Logic it, but it didn't work. She told me she loved being cold. She has one dress and one leotard she puts on every day during naps, and any time we're just hanging out around the house.... anyway. So they're still the same aside from the food pickiness. :)