Monday, November 24, 2008

Ready for a vacation

We've had a mixed week this week. Meredith woke up puking at 11:15pm on Weds night and proceeded to vomit all night long. We finally all fell asleep at 4am and she didn't get sick again after that, but we were a sad, tired crew the next day. It seemed to be just a 24 hour thing because she was back to happy self late the next day. Chris stayed home and I had already planned to work from home that day anyway, but had tons of work to do, so it made for an interesting day. I seemed to get by without anything, but Chris started it on Saturday night...ugh

Chris went to the UNC/State game on Saturday, which was a total waste of time for him since his beloved heels got trampled. Meredith and I had a good time going to the library, grocery store and then making pumpkin bread together (she is a big helper these days). I'm a little embarrased to say that I've only recently discovered the Durham public library that is only about 6 miles from my house. We went there for early voting and it is a lovely little library, so I finally got my library card and we've been getting lots of great books for Meredith ever since (The favorites seem to be 'Fancy Nancy' and the 'If You Give a Pig a Party' collection). The most recent topic of choice for my books is potty training...lord help me. I think I'm moving in the direction of the 24 hr method of having a potty party all day. The key is finding a day that I can dedicate the entire day to it... I'm going to pretty much leave the topic alone with her until then and hope it makes a big impact since she adores parties.

Meredith and I went to Sunday school and church yesterday and had lunch with my dad and Allison at Brueggers. My Mom was down in Georgia finding her inner hippie and protesting/picketing at Ft. Benning, which is where there is something called 'School of Americas' ( where the US military basically trains Latin American troops on combat tactics to take back home to continue the repression in those countries...lovely isn't it? I honestly hadn't heard much about it until my Mom told me about it. I'm really proud of her for standing up against such a terrible thing.

We're heading to TN tomorrow for Thanksgiving and then when I get back home I'm on my own at work again for two weeks while my partner goes to his grad program in another state....I get a little bitter since I had to do my entire program on my own time and I get to do his work while the company gives him most of the time to be away as' development'. Bitter...

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's been awhile

I realized that it has been awhile since I've posted much of substance. No promises tonight, but I'll get something out.
Work has been working me non-stop for well over a month now and I'm really worn out. I'm finishing my biggest project of the year by the end of this week, so I'm hoping to be able to re-claim a little more time. I have to go back into work in about an hour to run a report...I don't like to interrupt my evenings, but it makes my life easier in the morning, so it helps me somehow. It is also year end review time, which means writing out all of your accomplishments for the year so that the 'powers that be' can all go in a room and decide who gets what kinds of rankings and raises. Somehow, I have gotten rather lost in the shuffle of that whole process over the past few years because I always thought that your work should speak for itself and I work my tail off and it just isn't enough since I'm not a pro at brown-nosing. It frustrates me when I'm trying to instill good values in my child when I know how the real world works and as long as you do enough work to get by and kiss up to the right people, you get the most recognition.....can you tell I'm frustrated? I guess that's life.
Meredith is frustrating me to no end with potty training. She really could care less about it and I'm just not sure what to do with her. She will be great every now and then, but overall she just isn't interested. Otherwise, she is just a hoot and makes us laugh all the time. She hears everything and we have really had to start watching what we say around her since she is a little parrot. She has also gotten very picky about what she wears. She has this one summer dress that I bought on clearance at the end of this past summer for next year that she wants to wear all the time. I guess that wouldn't be a big deal, but it is sleeveless and it is a freezing cold November! She literally gets home from daycare, hunts down that dress, takes off all of her clothes and puts that thing on like it is her 'housecoat'! Little miss picky has definitely entered the scene!
We are heading to Tennessee for Thanksgiving next week. It's hard to believe it's already here. I really need some time off, so hope it is relaxing.....well, as relaxing as it can be at your in-laws :)

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

History has been made!

Barack Obama has won the presidential election (despite NC still be undecided). Even though I was pretty sure it was going to happen, I am speechless now that it is a reality.

I just saw this quote on another friend's blog and thought it was incredible, so this says it all.....

"They say that Rosa sat so that Martin could walk.
Martin walked so that Obama could run.
Obama is running so that our children can fly."

When I kissed my sweet sleeping baby goodbye this morning, I had tears in my eyes for the hope of her future....

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Big Rock

So, we were in the car the other day behind a car that had an Obama sticker. I said to Meredith, "Can you say Obama" to which she quickly replied, "NO". So I thought, that is kindof a hard word to say, so I asked, "Can you say Barack" and she quickly replied, "NO Mama, Big Rock". So I repeated it several more times thinking that she just didn't hear me right, but she was very insistent that I was saying it wrong and that what I was trying to say was 'Big Rock'. I affectionately refer to Barack as the Big Rock now!

One way or another, today will be history making. We voted early on Friday and I have to say it was the first time in my life that I literally smiled as I filled in the circle :)
Go Big Rock!!

Halloween 08

Halloween was the topic of discussion in our house for weeks. Meredith was so excited! When the day finally arrived it did take some coaxing to get her into her costume, but we did it and off we went. Well, at the 4th house we went to the man had dressed up as the grinch who stole Christmas in full mask and suit and answered the door with his head right down at Meredith's level. I have never seen my child launch backwards into my arms so quickly. The poor child was totally traumatized. The man felt really bad and quickly took of the mask, but it was too late, she was hysterical. She wanted to go home in the worst way, but we knew she'd be disappointed (and her dad would be too since he raids her candy!) if we didn't go any further. So, with much reassurance and coaxing, we made it a bit further down the street. Monsters have been a topic of conversation ever since, so hopefully she isn't forever tormented on Halloween by the 'scary monster'!
Here are a few pics of our cowgirl: