Thursday, June 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Chris!

Today is my sweet husband's 38th birthday. I'm working at home today, so took a break to make his cake with Meredith and she has been talking about it about every 5 minutes, telling me how much she likes cake. She has been totally into birthday's lately and proclaims that every day is her birthday. She spontaneously bursts into the birthday song quite a bit. One day recently she was sitting on my lap and she put her hand on my face and as sweetly as possible said 'Happy Birday Mommy' was so precious even though it wasn't my birthday and it isn't until August. That's just how much she loves birthdays lately. Too bad she has to wait until February for hers. We've been talking about who has the next birthday, so today is finally daddy's birthday and she said 'my birday next'...well, in about 7 months sweetie :)

Happy Birthday Chris!

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