Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Well, after a long and tiring several days, Chris is on the mend. He was quite miserable for the first 48 hours for sure and then just very uncomfortable since then with the help of some good pain meds. On Monday he had his post op appointment and I won't gross you out with the details of the splints coming out of his nose, but it wasn't pretty. The doctor was just so matter of fact about the whole thing and just yanked those things out like it was no big deal. I guess my thing with doctors lately is that yes, I understand that they have done this procedure a million times or seen a croupy kid a million and one times, but don't make me feel like my situation is less than important because it is new to me even though it is old hat to you! (I'm stepping off of my soapbox now..) Anyway, since the splints came out, he is doing much better. Still very sore, but at least I feel like I have my husband back!
I pretty much had a meltdown the other morning when Meredith woke up with that nasty croupy cough again, which meant I truly had two sick children to care for! Yes, it is the same thing she JUST had at Christmas. I took her right in to the doctor for meds because I'm just not messing around with that nastiness. The doctor we saw at Christmas may have been in the room for a total of 3 minutes and basically just wrote out the script, while the doctor we saw on Monday was one of those that went into too much detail and had me scared into thinking we could be in the ER at 3am. Amazing how different they can be when diagnosing the exact same thing. Don't think I cared for either, but they have the magic pen. The cough isn't nearly as croupy as it was, but I think it's breaking up and she's actually coughing quite a bit now. Ah, the joys of passing crud back and forth at daycare.
In other major Meredith news. She is doing incredibly well with potty training. (Warning to non parents: you may want to stop reading!!). I can't even believe it, but she did #2 in the potty last night! I was kinda annoyed with her because I had just gotten her night time diaper on and gotten her into her sleeper, when she announces that she needs to go 'pahyey'. Since she quite frequently just sits up there and does nothing, I told her that if she needed to go that bad, she could figure out how to get out of her diaper. Well, she was naked in a quick minute (I also think that she uses this as a ploy to take her clothes off since that is by far much more preferable than clothing these days! Apparently, every lick of clothing needs to come off to go potty!) Anyway, the next thing I know, she has produced quite the results and I was in total shock. Now, I'm thinking this may have just been a random act of kindness from the good Lord above to keep me somewhat sane, but I'm thinking we are on our way! Yeah for my big girl!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Yayyyy! That is HUGE news about Meredith! Let's hope this is IT, and you're well on your way. Maybe we shouldn't get her and Lydia together, in case Lydia shares any of her methods for making mommy crazy via the potty. ;)