Monday, January 28, 2008

Tantrum anyone?

Oh my goodness. Meredith is testing my patience to the extreme! She has started having these tantrums where she just screams like a wild animal to the point that she is almost growling at me and her voice goes hoarse. Tonight it was over getting in the bathtub. She has given me little tastes of this behavior recently, but this one was over the top. She really scared me with how crazy she was. I'm really at a loss as to how to handle her when she is like this. The other fun part is that she only does it for me. Example: Chris had picked her up from daycare today so that I could go straight to the gym from work since I am really trying to take some time to do something for myself. So, she was just fine and dandy with him until I got home. She ran to the door to greet me and it was on from there. She completely lost it about 30 seconds after I walked in the door and it didn't end until I put her to bed screaming at 8:15.

Is this what having a two year old is really like? I've always heard people say, "I have a two year old" as if it was some sort of automatic excuse or a shared understanding between parents. Do I have to go through this to join the two year old club? Help!

On a good note, I had coffee with some great friends this weekend. Kelly, Heather and Jessica. I love hanging out with them and we aren't able to do it often, but when we do we can talk for hours.

We also had Meredith's 2 year old pictures made on Sunday. She did pretty well, but the stubborness came out again, which didn't make it the best time, but they still came out with a few good ones. I'll post them soon.

1 comment:

KCM said...

Welcome to the club! Yes, all two year olds are like this and any mom who says different is lying.