Tuesday, August 28, 2007

She strikes again...

I went to pick up Meredith from daycare yesterday and found out that she bit a little girl :(
Apparently this girl had a doll Meredith wanted and the little girl didn't just let her have it (imagine that!?), so Meredith dealt with it by biting her. I was in such shock when I found out that I almost started crying, especially after I saw the teeth marks on the other girl...on her upper cheek :(
I know this is very common at this age and it could very easily be reversed and she could be the one being bit, but I feel completely terrible about it. This is the same girl she has had issues with before. They are almost exactly the same age and Meredith is much bigger that she is, so maybe they are similar developmentally, but since Meredith is physically bigger she thinks she can push her around and be in charge. Maybe a little power struggle at 1 1/2?

Chris had gotten a free ticket to the Def Leppard concert last night, so he wasn't around to vent to (he said it was a great show). So, I called my mom last night mostly to hear a reassuring voice (Thanks Mom!!) and she did just that, reassured me that it's not my parenting or my fault. It's still hard not to feel responsible though. So, I'm saying a lot of prayers today that she behaves and we don't get another bad report. How can this sweet girl be such a bully? I also pray that her words start coming soon so that she can communicate more easily, which I think is also part of her problem.

At least this is a short week for her at daycare. We leave for Arizona on Thursday and Chris' mom and step-dad are coming in to keep Meredith while we're gone.

On another much better note, we had a fabulous weekend. We went to a first birthday party for Reagan (Drake & Lisa's little girl) and had lots of fun. Ironically, Meredith played beautifully with all of the little kids that were there. Then later that afternoon we had Kelly, Pat, Heather, David and their kiddos Keira, Jamie & Reese over to our house and overall, Meredith did great with them too (she did try to tackle Reese a few times and she stole Jamie's sippy cup non stop, but no bad stuff). Had a really nice time catching up with Heather & Kelly while the boys drank beer outside most of the time. Mom, Papa and Allison came over for Sunday dinner too. Nice weekend!

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