Monday, February 19, 2007

A year with Meredith :)

I've been wanting to make a timeline of the major Milestones from Meredith's first year so that when I get around to doing her baby book, I'll have it all set. This probably won't be very interesting for anyone, but wanted to do it for myself :) Thank goodness for this blog because if it was left up to my memory, there would be nothing!

2/2/06- Meredith Grace Elliott, 3:05pm, 8lbs 5oz, 21", Rex Hospital
2/19/06, 17 days old- Baptised at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Early April, 8 weeks- spinal ultrasound at WakeMed (all was fine)
Early April, 8-9 weeks- first smiles & laughing
Mid April, 10-11 weeks- starting to sleep 6 hours at night
Mid May, 2 1/2 months -started with babysitter, rolling over
May- 3 months- started sleeping for 12 hours at night
Late June, 4 1/2 months- 1st cereal
Early June, 18 weeks- started being really happy all the time, major changes
Mid June, 4 1/2 months- Sleeping on tummy
Early July, 5 months- first beach trip, up an all fours & almost crawling
August, 6 months- first solid food, sitting well on own, crawling
Mid September, 7 1/2 months- full size carseat, saying mama, standing in crib
Late September, 7 3/4 months- climbing stairs, says dada
October, 8 months- first finger food
Mid October, 8 1/2 months- first tooth (bottom right)
November, 9 months- standing on own, using walker to walk
Mid November, 9 1/2 months- first step
Early-mid December, 10 months- walking well
Mid-late January, 11 months- Teeth 3-5 & clapping

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Party Pics!

Finally have a few part pics..mostly cake. We got her a cake of her own and the icing turned out quite a bit greener than we planned on, but it was still pretty :)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Birthday Party

We had a great time on Saturday for Meredith's party. We had a good turn out and Meredith loved playing with all of the kids that came over. Her favorite new toy is this Doramobile (as in Dora the Explorer) that our neighbor Karen got for her. She could hardly wait to get it out of the box before she started sitting on it and attempting to push it along. I was suprised since she doesn't have anything like it, but she has a blast either riding it or pushing it around the house now. Of course it plays music, but it hasn't made me too crazy yet. I did notice that she got a lot of noisy, musical toys and she loves them all! She was a bit tentative about digging into her cake with everyone watching, but it didn't take long for her to get the idea. She didn't make a huge mess, but it was mess enough! The State/Caroline game was on, which provided part 2 of the party. A lot of people stuck around for that, but UNC lost, which didn't make Chris too happy! I don't have any pictures to post yet, but will soon.

Friday, February 02, 2007

My baby is 1!

Happy Birthday to my baby girl! It's so hard to believe that she has been around for a year already, but then again at the same time it's hard to believe that I've only known this amazing little girl for a year. I've been getting a bit emotional today thinking about my life now and my life before Meredith and how this year has been the best and most challenging year of my life! I was holding my tiny baby in my arms last year at this time with no clue about the road ahead of me and now she is walking and talking (kinda) and has turned into such a cool little girl with a huge personality and mommy & daddy have a years worth of parenting under our belts now too :) I'm certainly not wishing away this baby time, but I am just so excited and intrigued to see this little angel grow and develop into such an awesome girl!
I was able to work from home today so I got to spend the day with her. It's so funny how to her it is just another day, no big deal. I know that won't last for long, but it's almost refreshing right now :) We're having a party tomorrow, but I baked a cake for her to have later on her real birthday. Thought I'd post one of her Birth day pictures from a year ago!