Monday, January 15, 2007

Tooth #3

I'm not exactly sure when it happened, but sometime in the last few days Meredith sprouted her 3rd tooth on the bottom right. I have been so busy looking at her top gums (which are sooooo swollen) that I didn't even think to look for another one on the bottom! (It is not an easy event trying to get a look!) The top two really can't be far behind considering what her poor gums look and feel like. She has also had a pretty runny nose the past few days, which I hear is a sign of teething, but then again it could be the freaky weather we are having too! Overall, she has been in great spirits though. She woke up several times last night, but never seemed to upset. She is home today with daddy for MLK day. Teaching doesn't pay much, but man it's a nice schedule!
She went to church with Nana & Papa on Sunday because she spent the night with them so that we could go to a party Saturday night. Apparently she had a great time in church and was clapping and moving to the music, but decided to make lots of noise when it was quiet, so she went to the nursery during the sermon and had a great time with the other kids. Graham crackers were also something to keep her quiet, but she still isn't the cleanest when it comes to eating and it ended up on her and her Aunt Hillary!
This weekend went way too fast :(

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