Tuesday, January 23, 2007

More teeth- #4 and 5

No new pictures...we're really bad about uploading pics.
This has been a big week for Meredith. She sprouted two new teeth over the weekend, her 4th on the bottom and her first tooth on the top. She has woken up at night for a couple nights, so I think they are bothering her a bit.
She also started a new daycare yesterday. It is an in-home licensed daycare and there are several other children there for her to play with. I specifically note that this is a licensed day care, which really does seem to have its benefits in comparison to just having the neighbor watch her and cart her all over the place, regardless of the convenience of her living next door. Chris and I both dropped her off yesterday and she was really excited to see all of the toys and immediately started playing. Apparently she didn't sleep much at all, so she was pretty grumpy when she got home, but sounds like she had a great day otherwise. Chris dropped her off this morning and he called me to tell me that as soon as Prissila opened the door, Meredith gave her a huge smile...so, something went very right yesterday :)

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