Sunday, December 19, 2010


So, Meredith is my church buddy since her daddy doesn't much care for going to church (that makes me sad, but is a different topic). Honestly, Meredith is my inspiration for getting to church a lot of the time when lounging around on a Sunday morning seems more appealing! Now that she is old enough, I know it is important to take her even when it seems that nothing is sinking in. Well, the other day she was saying something I had to ask her to repeat..."The body of Christ given for you" (while motioning that she is handing something to you), as in what they pastor says when he gives you the bread during communion! She is too young to actually take communion, but she always goes up with me and gets a blessing. I never really thought about her listening to that, but it made me so happy to hear!
Tonight after our little Christmas program at church, she put on a show at home. She sang two of her original songs about the baby Jesus and Mary and Joseph (and the donkey!) she even got all the way to Jesus dying on the cross for us. Wow, the kid is getting it!

1 comment:

Jennie Fisher said...

The faith of a child is so precious! Praying for you all :)