Chris wanted to mark the special event with a little souvenier and he admitted he probably would have bought her the most expensive thing in the store if she had asked for it. She decided on a cute little bear with a UNC sweater. They were on their way home and I talked to Meredith on Chris' cell phone and she was going on and on about the game and she told me she got a bear, so I asked what she decided to name it. She replied that she had named the bear 'Ding Dong', to which I said, 'Why did you name your bear Ding Dong?', she said, 'You know, after the building, the Ding Dong'. I about fell out of the chair when I realized she meant the Dean Dome!! I think Chris had suggested it as a name for her bear and she understood it as Ding Dong! Then again, why would a 4 yr old understand the name Dean Dome?
This one was just to priceless not to document!
too funny! maybe one day chris and pat can take the kids to a game that is not high profile, that would be fun!
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