Wednesday, August 01, 2007

My sweet bully

Well, I was kinda waiting to get the report and it finally happened....I picked Meredith up from the babysitter yesterday and she told me that she was being 'rough' with another little girl. This little girl is only one month younger than Meredith, but she is significantly smaller than Meredith and apparently Meredith doesn't want to share with her and she starts swatting at her when she doesn't get her way. In the words of my mother, she has the 'classic first child syndrome'...which I suppose she should know about since she has 4 children and 3 grandchildren! Meredith just doesn't play with a lot of other kids when she isn't at daycare and since she hasn't gone much this summer, I think she has forgotten how to share. Also, she doesn't know her own strength! She literally towers over this other little girl, so if she just even pushed her a little, the other girl would probably tumble over. No excuses though. We have to get better about not playing rough with her at home. I'm as guilty of wrestling with her as her daddy is, so I'll take part of the blame. She also just gets so excited that she doesn't know what to do with all of her energy. Sometimes she just looks like she's going to pop because she is so excited, so she ends up swatting at you or doing something semi-aggressive to get rid of that energy. Once the words start coming more, I'm hoping that will improve because she'll be able to use words to express herself instead of her fist!

She went again today and the babysitter said that she did much better and even gave her little friend a hug even though she was kindof afraid of Meredith!

We had a great weekend. I got off early on Friday for our summer hours (work an extra hour Mon-Thurs and then work half day on Friday) and went to pick her up from Mom's house. Then we went to our favorite Chinese restaurant up at Greystone and had lunch....well, we traded Meredith back and forth and walked with her around the restaurant and then took most of our food home with us, but it was still nice. Then we had my grad school friends over for dinner. Jennifer graduated in May and Meredith finishes this week, so we were celebrating being finished! We just had a cookout at our house, but it was a lot of fun.

I met my good friends Kelly & Heather for coffee on Saturday morning and ended up at a park for Kelly's kids to play. We didn't stay too long, but it was good to have a quick catch up session with my old buddies from Big Blue.

Saturday was the big fence day....we are attempting to put up a white vinyl fence in our back yard by ourselves because the labor is so crazy expensive. Well, Saturday morning Chris rented an auger to drill all of the holes in the backyard and we had a stream of people in and out all afternoon helping, supervising, pouring the next pitcher of beer etc. Chris's friend Mark helped a lot and we also broke in Allison's new boyfriend Matt...he was quite willing to help out and he seems to be a really really nice guy and he and Allison seem to be getting pretty serious pretty quickly, so stay tuned... Also, my friend Jennifer had left a set of keys at our house Friday night and when she and her hubby Brad came by to pick them up, they ended up sticking around for awhile and helping out too! Mom and Papa came later and brought pizza for dinner, which was much appreciated! Then, we pawned our daughter off on Nana & Papa for the evening so that we could go to the concert downtown with Night Ranger (yes, the only song I knew was 'Sister Christian', but it was still a lot of fun) Then, we even went out after the concert and met back up with Allison and Matt and a few others at Blinco's. I haven't done that much in one day in a long time! It was just a really fun weekend :)
Btw, as of last night we had only gotten about 3 panels of the fence up and I was feeling pretty worried about how in the world we were going to get this thing up in under a year, but as I look out my back door, I am seeing almost an entire side of the yard fenced in!! Our neighbor's son has helped Chris a lot today and we have fence!! There is a reason why having professionals install a fence costs so much! Sweat equity baby :)
( I just re-read this post and apparently I have forgotten how to use punctuation, so all you english majors out there, please forgive my terrible run-ons and general lack of grammar!)

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