Wednesday, August 15, 2007

August fun

So, the book thing was just a temporary fluke....we're back to getting through maybe 2 pages before she is wiggling to get down and get into something else.

She hates getting her teeth brushed. She doesn't even really care about eating the toothpaste anymore, so I basically wrestle her every night to see if I can get one or two good brushes.

I don't want to make my sweet girl out to be some devil, but there are certainly challenges with her. She really is a good girl most of the time. She has recently started to really like one particular doll. She wraps it in a blanket and carries it around then lays it on the floor, covers it up and says 'nigh nigh' and pats/hits the baby on the back.

She is also completely enthralled with buckles, i.e. the one for her high chair, the buckle on the shopping cart strap, restaurant high chairs etc. She actually is really good at snapping them together, but then she gets super mad when she can't get them apart. As you can imagine, there are times when you really want to keep them buckled, like in the middle of the grocery store when she does not want it buckled anymore and wants to stand in the, once we determine that she is NOT sitting back down in that seat, she either ends up in the basket part of the cart or pushing the cart. Shopping is loads of fun now too :)

My 31st birthday was on Saturday and it was quite a lovely day! I went to Skin Sense and used a gift certificate Chris got me like a year ago for a massage and hydrotherapy(just a fancy bath) and it was a wonderful morning of pampering. Then I met Mom, Hillary, Allison and Barbara(Allison's roommate and another adopted sister) for lunch at Michael Deans. Chris cooked dinner for my whole family and invited a few of my Meredith friends over as well. It was a really nice night (it was finally nice enough to sit outside in the evening without sweating!) and a great birthday overall (other than the turning 31 part).

This is a pretty rambling post, so thanks for sticking throuhg it!

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