Saturday, April 01, 2006

Wake Med

We had our first experience at Wake Med on the 30th and I am quite happy that I was able to have Meredith at Rex. That is a crazy place!
We had to take Meredith to Wake Med for an ultrasound on her spinal cord. The pediatrician found a 'dimple' at the base of her spinal cord and thought it would be a good idea to get a scan just to be sure it was ok. The way they explained it was that this spot is the last place that the nervous system closes up while the baby is developing in the womb and sometimes it doesn't close up properly and can indicate a problem with the spinal cord. In very extreme cases, this is spinobifida (sp?). Well, after waiting over an hour and walking all over the hospital that is under perpetual construction, we finally got in to see the pediatric radiologist and Meredith did a wonderful job holding still while she did the ultrasound (she surprises me every day!). Fortunately, everything was just fine, so we feel quite relieved.
I thought it was quite ironic that just over 2 months ago I was having an ultrasound to see Meredith and now she was having one!!

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