Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The crying....

Well, there has been a lot of crying in these first 7 weeks....mostly Meredith! I won't go as far as saying that she is a colicky baby, but she has done her share of crying. For the first few weeks if she wasn't asleep or eating, she was pretty much crying. Her first few days home from the hospital were so bad that she made herself hoarse. It was so pitiful hearing her cry with such a hoarse voice. We can't really pinpoint what the problem is. Sometimes I think it's gas, then sometimes I think she is just hungry, so I'll feed her yet again, but the not knowing has been the frustrating part of being a first time parent...I don't know any of this stuff and it makes you feel so helpless! Of course the pediatrician is no help, they just say that she'll grow out of it blah, blah as they are looking into my bloodshot eyes!
She has definitly improved, but there are still moments where I have no clue what to do to help her. When she hit 6 weeks there seemed to be a pretty good improvement and so far the 7th week hasn't been too bad, but she has been crying off and on the entire time I've been typing this and I know she can't be hungry, she has a clean diaper, and I think I burped her well after her last feeding, so who knows what the problem is?
Everyone keeps telling me that it gets better and she'll grow out of it....I sure hope so, but that is really kinda hard to hear when you are in the midst of the madness! Then there are the people who say their baby was content all the time and hardly cried. Just a hint...if this is you and you are talking to a new mother with a baby that cries all the time, just don't say anything!!!
This picture breaks my heart, but it's also a little funny too :) It was after her first bath and she was not amused at all.

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