Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Today was the big day that Caroline officially took steps! I got a text from her daycare provider that she took 3 steps this morning. I have to say that I felt kinda sad that I missed the first time, but I know she will be running before long! I was happy that she also took several steps tonight too! It's like something literally changed overnight with her, she is a moving maniac! She didn't take just one or two steps, she took like 4 or 5 and she did it 2 or 3 different times. Oh, life is really going to change now!

She also has gotten her 4th tooth-the 2nd one on top. It's been coming in for a few weeks and it's almost fully there now, but she has had this cute little grin with 3 1/2 teeth for what seems like a long time. She is so darn cute! Her hair is also curling up in the back. It also seems to be quite a bit lighter in color than Meredith's was. I definitely wouldn't say she's blonde, but it is a very light brown.

She is talking up a storm these days too. There is very little that actually sounds like a word other than Mama, Dada & Baba (usually for her bottle). Mama & Dada also seem to be a bit interchangeable, but she clearly seems to understand that those words have meaning. She just jibber jabbers away, but she is still fairly quiet overall. Even her chatter is a bit reserved. Now, she can definitely get going when she wants to and generally it is during church or sometime when she really should be quiet!

Caroline and I are also officially done with nursing. We made it to almost 13 months and she had frozen milk for the full 13 months! I have to say that this accomplishment is something I am really proud of. It has been a bittersweet ending since I know this is officially the end of babies for me, but nice to feel like I officially have my body back too. I never imagined I would make it so long, but I ended up really enjoying it so much more than I did the first time around.I loved our morning snuggle time and felt like we really have a great bond because of it, not to mention she got the best nutritional start possible!

A quick Meredith update- she officially has her first loose tooth! Actually, I think she has 2 loose ones now- the bottom two. It's so crazy that Caroline is just getting her teeth and now Meredith is losing those same teeth! I bought her a cute little tooth pillow and look forward to playing tooth fairy, but it is also making me incredibly sad at the same time. Just like when I got teary eyed today when Caroline walked for the first time, these loose teeth are an official sign that my first baby is really growing up. She always assures me that she'll always be my baby, but I know those days are numbered. I love my girls SO much!

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