Friday, July 22, 2011

4 month stats

Caroline's 4 month appointment was on 7/18, so about a week past her true 4 month birthdate bc the Pediatrician had to reschedule...anyway, she is super healthy and is tipping the scales at 17 lbs, 10 oz!! That puts her in the 97+ percentile! The doctor was pretty surprised to hear that she hasn't had any formula yet!! Go Mommy! She is 25 inches, which is 75th percentile and can't remember the head measurement, but it's, all in all we have a pretty big girl :) I looked up Meredith's numbers and she was a bit smaller at the same point, 15.3 lbs and 25.5 inches. She also got the 4 month round of vaccinations, which were terrible, but not as bad as last time. She slept most of the afternoon and we gave her Tylenol for the discomfort, but she never got much of a fever at all.

Caroline is really turning into such a sweetie. She laughs and smiles all the time now and her favorite entertainment is her big sister- Meredith has definitely gotten the best giggles so far, despite the fact that Chris and I constantly think she is smothering the poor thing! She has also just found her voice in the past week. She had been almost silent outside of crying and a few coos here and there, but not anymore! You can hear her testing out her vocal chords and gurgling and blowing bubbles and making raspberries. It's all very cute unless it is at 4:30am, which seems to be her new time for waking up. Usually she's happy and might go back to sleep on her own, but when it's almost 5am and my alarm is going off by 6, it's not worth my time to try to go back to sleep (that's why I've been at work since before 7am this morning!). Sleep is definitely not consistent at all yet. She IS getting through the core of the night from about 9-4 or 9-5, so I can't complain too much, but according to the pediatrician she should be able to go for a solid 10-12 hours at this point. I'm pretty sure Meredith was sleeping longer at this point, but I shouldn't compare :) (M was getting a lot of formula by now though...)

We also talked to the doctor about starting cereal soon. We can wait all the way til 6 months if we want to, but I think we'll start a little sooner than that. I'm not in a huge hurry though. No rolling over yet either, which is totally fine with me and as the Dr said, 'bigger babies usually take longer to roll over'...I love my sweet, pudgy, adorable, kissable baby just the way she is :)

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