Friday, June 03, 2011

Back to work

Well, Caroline is 12 weeks old, which meant it was back to work for Mommy. It was a Friday, so it was just enough time to get caught up on some emails and chat with folks about things I missed. It really wasn't bad at all. Mom kept the girls today and I was still a bit concerned about Caroline and her total dislike of a bottle, but amazingly, she took the bottle like a champ today for Mom! She must have the magic touch! (Meredith even helped with the bottle, which is something she has been begging to do for awhile, so she was pretty happy too!) So, today was a huge milestone and I'll feel so much more better about leaving her during the day. Overall, I couldn't have asked for a better first day back! Next week may be a different story, but it's time!

I think I can officially say that Caroline is sleeping through the night now, since it has been a week of solid sleep. There were a few mornings where she was up at 5am, but that still counts in my mind! She's been sleeping for 8-9 hours a night, which means I am getting pretty good sleep too- although, I still seem to wake up around 4am and have a hard time getting back to sleep. I'm sure that will fix itself over time, especially now that I'll be working again. Last week seemed to be a pretty big week for her. She seems to be much more able to just hang out for longer periods of time without getting upset and she is also able to go longer stretches between feedings. She definitely still has her moments of being pretty hysterical, but it seems to have a lot to do with her car seat. It has been incredibly hot this week and I think she just gets really hot in her seat in the car. She is loving her hands and sucks on them all the time. She seems to try to suck her thumb a bit, but it's nothing consistent. She smiles a whole lot more these days- just in time for me to miss them while I'm at work :(

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