Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Happy New Year!

So, there are no good excuses for not posting in so long. Life just gets away from me!
I will try to be better this year about posting.
We had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Meredith was really into the whole Christmas thing this year. She was a snowflake in the church Christmas program and she did surprisingly well with 'performing'. Guess those dance classes may be worth it afterall!
She continues with her ballet/tap class and I'm thinking she's leaning more toward the jazz/tap world since she isn't quite the delicate ballerina!
Chris and I were able to both be home for two whole weeks, which was just wonderful. I've done that for a few years now by saving up my extra vacation time (thanks to my generous company!) so we can just have lots of uninterrupted family time. I think we're all ready to get back to normalcy by the end, but it's so nice to pretend that I don't have to work :)
Meredith's birthday is in just under a month. Hard to believe she'll be 4! She's still struggling with potty training, but has stretches of greatness, just not consistent. She had several accidents over vacation. It's interesting because she hasn't had an accident in public in a long time, but when she's at home or a very familiar place is when it happens. Guess she's not too worried about it. There's no way she's coming out of a pullup at night any time soon. She does wake up dry now and then, but mostly it's soaked even with going potty before bed. She has also taken to being terrible about going to bed at night. I'll get her in bed by 8:30 or so and she is awake until at least 10:30 most nights! She has also started coming into our room at 3am almost every night lately. She used to be willing to sleep on our floor, but not anymore...she must be in our bed. So, there isn't much good sleep for me since she's jammed up next to me and she has actually wet through her pullup twice in our bed!! Something has to change because I'm not getting a plastic sheet for a king size bed! Hopefully getting back into a more normal routine will help.
Well, that was just a short and sweet update. Hope everyone is well (if anyone even checks this anymore!)

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