Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Back to the grind

We had a great trip to the Hilton Head and I think the only thing keeping me going is knowing that we go back with my family in 2 weeks to Emerald Isle!

Chris and I ended up going into Savannah on Monday, which is only about an hour from Hilton Head. We ate at the Paula Deen restaurant, The Lady & Sons, and it was just wonderful. We actually went there in 2005 when I was pretty newly pregnant and I remember feeling like I wanted to pass out or puke the whole time we were there, so needless to say, it was a better experience this time! On the way back to HH we stopped at the outlet mall and went the the Coach store to get my anniversary present...yes, I am the proud new owner of my first Coach bag! Trust me, there was a reason we went to the outlets and don't believe for a second that my husband would ever pay full price for something. It really turned out to be an excellent bargain and I'm pretty pleased :)

The rest of the week we pretty much just baked in the sun at the pool and watched my little water baby swim. We got her some water wings and it was the best dollar I've ever spent! She even has a little tan line where her wings were! We ate some good seafood, relaxed a lot and I got to finish a book and a half (reading just never seems to happen at home for me and I LOVE reading at the beach. This was the first year since Meredith was born that I actually finished a book on vacation!)

Meredith ended up doing quite well on her little blow up mattress. Her bedtimes were late all week long, but hey, we were on vacation! We also found out that she *HATES* fireworks. We walked down to the harbor, which was just on the other side of our condo, just in time for the fireworks to start. It is a really neat area called Harbour Towne and there are all kinds of restaurants and shops right along the marina, but it gets really really ultra crowded on the 4th, which is why we waited until the last minute to go down there. Chris put Meredith up on his shoulders and the first two went off and at first I thought the look on her face was excitement, but it quickly turned to shear terror and tears soon followed. She just kept saying 'I don't wanna, I don't like it' with tears streaming down her face and reaching for me. We decided not to force it and just went inside and she loved watching them on TV! She quite happily said, 'I like fireworks' while comfortably sitting on the couch...that's my kinda girl :)

That pretty much summed up our vacation. Now I'm back to work and I'm not all that thrilled about it. Hopefully the next two weeks will fly by and I'll have my feet in the sand again before I know it!

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