Monday, March 27, 2006


It's amazing how hard it is to get a few minutes at the computer these days!
Meredith was baptized on February 19th. Yes, she was 17 days old and yes, I was kindof a wreck! I am Lutheran and we definitely believe in having the baptism as an infant, but usually the baby is more like 3 or 4 months old. We decided to do it so soon because my grandmother had been staying with my parents for a few months to escape the majority of the nasty Michigan winter and that Sunday was the last day she would be in town, so we decided to seize the moment and go ahead with it. The unfortunate part was that Tennessee got hit with some bad weather and Chris's mom, step-dad and sister couldn't make it; however, we had his dad, step-mom, grandmother and grandfather here. Meredith's godparents are my three sisters, Elizabeth (who lives in Michigan), Hillary and Allison as well as Chris's best friend Randy, who flew in from Arizona for the occasion.
Meredith was an angel and slept through not just her actual baptism, but the entire hour and a half service with organ blaring and everything! Of course, she should have been tired since she slept for maybe three hours the night before. Chris and I were total zombies, but were quite relieved that she didn't make a fuss.
We had everyone over at our house for a brunch afterwards that thankfully my mom and sisters put together since at this point my level of functioning was still at a bare minimum.
It ended up being a lovely day and I am thrilled that my beautiful daughter has been blessed with the sacrament of baptism :)

Oh yeah, the dress she wore is a family heirloom worn by my aunt, myself, all of my sisters and my two beautiful neices...

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