Thursday, October 28, 2010

We're having a little...

GIRL! It's a girl!!

I had really talked myself into believing we are having a boy, but the strong Pergler/Smith female gene (Yes, I know the male determines the gender) came through again!! Meredith wasn't phased at all when we told her. It was kinda like, "Yeah, I knew that all along!". Many of my family members have had similar comments...I believe my Aunt said ,"No sh*t"!! My uncle calculated that since 1947, there have been 21 girls and 3 boys!! It totally makes me think of when we found out Meredith was a girl and told my grandma and her response was very similar to Meredith's, "Well, Yeah. Of course you're having a girl". I know she's looking down at us with a big smile :)

We had an ultrasound at about 14 weeks and the lady said she thought she saw 'something', but it was really too early to tell. Well, when we had the ultrasound on Tuesday, the lady was able to identify the girl parts really quickly. Then we reminded her of what she said last time and I think she just wanted to be sure one more time, but by then the baby had crossed her legs and didn't want to share anymore! So, she told us to go to the Dr appointment and if she was still here afterwards, she'd check again. Well, we were relieved to be able to confirm one more time that we are definitely having a girl :) Chris was absolutely ecstatic because he REALLY wanted another little girl. I am pretty darn happy too. It just feels right for us!

Another really cute thing happened today. At Meredith's school, they have a question of the day that they answer first thing in the morning. Today's question was, "Do you have a sister?" and she was able to answer YES! Chris said she was really excited about it :)

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