Sunday, January 11, 2009


I have been terrible about updating lately, so here goes. I'll try to keep it as brief as possible.

Christmas was good. I was able to be out of work for almost 2 weeks, which was really nice, but definitely didn't feel like that long. We went to the children's Christmas Eve service at church, which was nice, but Meredith ended up spending probably half of the service in the bathroom because she had to go potty. Chris conveniently took her and I think he was more of the reason why they missed the majority of the service.....
Meredith went to bed reasonably easily, but was quite concerned that Santa would be too loud and would wake her up with his jingle bells. We left some reindeer food in the backyard and cookies for Santa, so she was pretty excited. She slept so well, that we needed to wake her up by around 8:15 so we could get over to my mom's and then over to Chris' step-sister's house that afternoon. We had a jingle bell ornament that we rang at the bottom of the steps and she woke right up and was amazed that she heard the jingle bells and kept saying how Santa was so loud and his jingle bells woke her up. It was totally priceless.
Christmas day was really nice, but every year we have the issue of not enough hours in the day, so we're already trying to think of a better plan for next year.
We spent most of our vacation doing boring stuff like cleaning closets and organizing. It actually felt really good to purge so much stuff. I took 9 garbage bags of clothes and shoes to goodwill. It was and still is rediculous the amount of crap I have accumlated over the years.
We went out to dinner with Randy and Katy for New Years. Meredith was actually in High Point with her grandparents for the night, so we could really live it up. Well, let's just say that Chris and Randy had to wake both Katy and I up at midnight since we both fell asleep on the couch. It was a wild night!
Nothing else too exciting to report, but thought I'd just get a quick post up about the holidays.

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