Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Halloween 08

Halloween was the topic of discussion in our house for weeks. Meredith was so excited! When the day finally arrived it did take some coaxing to get her into her costume, but we did it and off we went. Well, at the 4th house we went to the man had dressed up as the grinch who stole Christmas in full mask and suit and answered the door with his head right down at Meredith's level. I have never seen my child launch backwards into my arms so quickly. The poor child was totally traumatized. The man felt really bad and quickly took of the mask, but it was too late, she was hysterical. She wanted to go home in the worst way, but we knew she'd be disappointed (and her dad would be too since he raids her candy!) if we didn't go any further. So, with much reassurance and coaxing, we made it a bit further down the street. Monsters have been a topic of conversation ever since, so hopefully she isn't forever tormented on Halloween by the 'scary monster'!
Here are a few pics of our cowgirl:

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