Friday, August 15, 2008

Big Girl Bed

About a month ago we finally got Meredith a twin bed. We had transitioned her crib to the toddler bed in May, but the girl is so tall that she almost looked cramped on such a small mattress. It also did not come with a rail, so I was constantly worried she was going to fall out. I think she only fell out about three times in the two months she slept in it, which I thought was actually pretty good!

Anyway, it's been up and down with the new bed, but overall she has done really well with it. She has been spoiled this summer by being able to sleep in so late, which I suppose is a consequence of her slack parents not getting her to bed at a good time. It was kinda nice to not really worry so much about a schedule since we knew she didn't have to get up early to go to daycare. Chris started back to teacher workdays this week and let's just say that sleeping beauty is not happy to be awakened so early. Re-establishing a more normal bedtime has not been easy this week, so I'm taking the small wins of 10-20 mins earlier every night!
Here is the progression of beds over the past 2 1/2 years!

Meredith has a big weekend this weekend. She is going to spend two nights with her grandparents in Thomasville (High Point/Greensboro area). This will be the first time she's spent the night, so we'll see how it goes. Tony, Chris' dad, just had a birthday and he said that all he wanted for his birthday was to have all of his grandkids for the weekend! I think he's a little nutty, but sweet! I'm sure Luann (Chris' step-mom) will do most of the work, but it's still a nice gesture. Chris and I are excited to have a kid-free weekend...I might get crazy and stay out past 10:00!!

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