Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mommy, I stopped crying

I realized that I haven't really done a good post on just Meredith lately. So, here are some of the funny things about Miss M these days.

-The funniest one lately is that she tells me when she is done crying over something. One minute she is having a total meltdown and then she tells me 'Mommy, I stop crying' and then she is as happy as a clam. It is like someone flipped a switch! It makes me laugh every time because she is so darn upset and then she just decides she is done.

-Back in May, Meredith was sick several times and we made a couple of trips to the pediatrician within a very short period of time. We talked a lot about how we go to the doctor when we don't feel well, but also when we feel fine so that we can be sure we are healthy etc etc. Now, she will just start spouting off things about the 'dodor' now about how they look in her ears, and eyes and mouth, all while pointing to each thing and using the funniest inflection in her voice. You can see the Ped office from 70 (it's in Brier Creek) and she points to it and starts talking about the doctor. Funny kid.

-She has a baby doll that she has randomly named baby Lucy. I have no idea where that name came from because we don't know anyone by that name and I'm not aware of any characters on tv with that name either. I'm guessing it came from someone at daycare, but it cracked me up when she was asking for baby Lucy and I had no clue what she was talking about until she went and got the doll. Random.

-She recently got her first Barbie doll courtesy of her Mimi and she calls her 'Bahby'. I guess it's the 'Bahston Bahby'.

-She has some play money at my mom's house and then she'll drag out some index cards at home and call them her moneys. She has decided that everyting costs $2.99. I'll ask her how much something is and she quickly replies with $2.99...where did that come from??

- She plays in her pink tent that is in her playroom a lot. She often wants you to get in there with her, but that is a different story. She always wants to zip it up, but she can't say 'zip', so it comes out as 'Mommy, Yip it'.

-No matter what store we are in, she will find a backpack and put it on while we walk around the store. Of course, she thinks she is Dora with it on, but it is hilarious because they are always huge on her and it will hit her on her calves while she struts around the store talking about how she is going to get on the bus with her 'packback'. Hey, it keeps her occupied for awhile. We've only gotten roped into buying one so far and it had a beach towel in it, which she needed anyway!

- There are two horses by our house in two separate fields that we drive by every day. Chris decided to name them Pinto and Bean, which I thought was hilarious. So, every time we drive by we wave at Pinto and Bean...she loves it! If they aren't in the field we'll make up a story about how Bean is taking a nap or Pinto is eating dinner. I think one day we'll have to knock on the owners' doors and tell them how much Meredith looks forward to seeing Pinto and Bean every day :)

Ok, that's enough for now. Off to Emerald Isle next week! Hope the forecast improves!!

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