Monday, June 02, 2008

Paci Update

Where do kids take lessons on pitiful? Meredith should have an Emmy, Oscar and Tony award for her performances over the past few days. She actually hasn't been all that bad during the day, but night time has been the hardest. The first night must have just been a fluke because she didn't make a fuss at all about not having her pacifier. Saturday night was another story. She kept finding different things for me to bring to her. She would holler "mommy" at least 15 times in a row and then I'd finally check in with her and she'd ask for milk or she'd ask for a teddy bear, or she didn't want a specific stuffed animal in bed with her....stalling...and asking for her 'pacifaser'...lip poked out, eyes down, lashes fluttering and that extra sweet, pitiful sounding little voice. She really didn't cry much, just took her forever to fall asleep. It must have been 10:30 before the child finally gave in. It took her forever to go down for a nap Sunday and then we lost our power after the thunderstorm last night. It was out from 7pm until She kinda thought it was a cool adventure to have the flashlights out and shine them all over, but she certainly did not want to go to bed in the pitch dark. This was where extra pitiful came into play. She cried and asked over and over for her paci and then she looked up at me through teary eyes and said "Mommy, I sad". I almost went and got the stupid pacifier right then, but we made it through it and she finally drifted off to sleep. The good thing is that she seems to be sleeping well once she gets to sleep and is her normal happy self in the morning. I know it is just a matter of time now, but she has had this thing for her entire life, so it is a huge adjustment for her. She's not buying the 'big girl' thing when she wants that sense of security. 3 nights down....

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