Sunday, June 29, 2008

6 years!

Today is our 6th wedding anniversary! We spent awhile at the pool and ended up getting pizza for dinner. We know how to party after 6 years! Actually, I think we'll be heading to Savannah later in the week for a real dinner out. We walked down to the harbor and had dessert and drinks though. Meredith made it to bed by 10:30 tonight, so at least it's moving in the right direction...

Saturday, June 28, 2008


11:17pm...the time my daughter finally decided to go to sleep tonight. We are at Hilton Head, had a very uneventful, good trip down, but she has been bouncing off the walls since we got here. Guess 6 hours in the car will do that to a 2 year old. We are trying out the toddler aerobed (blowup air mattress that has a raised edge all the way around, so she won't roll out) for the first time and so far the bed is great, she just won't stay in it! I ended up having to sit next to the bed until she fell asleep so she wouldn't get out. I just pray she'll sleep in tomorrow so she won't be in pieces all day! Hope this isn't a preview of the rest of the week!

Friday, June 27, 2008


With my summer schedule, I was able to leave work today at 11:30 and went for a facial. I had a gift card from Skin Sense that Hillary had given me for graduation in December and I just got around to using it. I've never had a facial before and I must say that it was lovely (well, there was the extraction part that wasn't so lovely). My skin feels so nice and smooth and clean. The girl was very sweet and asked me if I exfoliate very, nope. She politely recommended that I do that more often, which translates to 'girl, your skin looks terrible!'

I feel nice and refreshed and now it's time to pack for the beach. We leave tomorrow for a week at Hilton Head with the Simpson family (Chris' mom). I'll bring the computer and maybe I'll get to post some if they have wireless.

Thought I'd post this funny picture from a few weeks ago. Yes, the shirt says 'Warning. I am two.' If I remember correctly, she was living up to that phrase quite well at the time!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Chris!

Today is my sweet husband's 38th birthday. I'm working at home today, so took a break to make his cake with Meredith and she has been talking about it about every 5 minutes, telling me how much she likes cake. She has been totally into birthday's lately and proclaims that every day is her birthday. She spontaneously bursts into the birthday song quite a bit. One day recently she was sitting on my lap and she put her hand on my face and as sweetly as possible said 'Happy Birday Mommy' was so precious even though it wasn't my birthday and it isn't until August. That's just how much she loves birthdays lately. Too bad she has to wait until February for hers. We've been talking about who has the next birthday, so today is finally daddy's birthday and she said 'my birday next'...well, in about 7 months sweetie :)

Happy Birthday Chris!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I'm loving that our hydrangeas are going crazy this summer and we have been able to pick lots of them and enjoy them in vases around the house.
Yesterday Chris was kindof messing with Meredith's ever-growing vocabulary and pointed at the flowers and said "Meredith, say hydrangea", knowing that is a pretty tough word for a 2 year old. She looked at him very seriously and without missing a beat said "Daddy, say flower". Maybe you had to be there, but it was hilarious!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Cute Picture

My mom read my pity note about never having pictures up and she sent me a picture of Meredith at her house from Feb....SO funny!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Let's play catch up

Ok, time to catch up. Now I have to remember everything that has been going on with us.

First off, the funeral for Chris' grandfather went as well as it could. We had the end of the year party for all of the teachers at Chris' school the same day as the visitation. The timing of everything was incredibly odd considering that exactly one year ago we had just found out about my own grandmother's death and we hosted this doggone party then too. (I think we are going to bow out of hosting this thing anymore in hopes that nothing bad happens on that day again!) This was all during the 100+ degree heatwave, which just made everything harder.

Meredith was a complete trooper for the entire weekend. She totally lightened the mood for everyone in the family. Friday night at the visitation she was going up to complete strangers and holding out the skirt to her dress and saying 'look at my dress, I a princess'. Needless to say, she made a lot of people smile :) She had a good time playing with her second cousins (?-or whatever Chris' cousin's kids would be) She was bossing around these 8 and 9 year old boys and they were being very sweet with her. We drove back to Raleigh Friday night and drove back for the service on Saturday morning. It was a lot of driving, but we just needed to be in our own beds.

I definitely did a lot of thinking about my own family during this time since it was so reminiscent of a year ago. Chris' mom and his aunts have been dealing with a lot of really hard stuff because his grandfather had remarried and this wife really did some terrible things to cause some major riffs in the family. Unfortunately, his own children were unable to make some of the most important decisions concerning the end of his life and I'm sure there are plenty more unfortunate things to discover as everything else is settled. I hated to see his family go through all of this, but I also know that they are all so thankful that Bill is now with his first wife(and only real wife) and his final resting place is right next to hers.

We got back in town on Saturday in time to go to our neighborhood carnival. Chris' mom, step-dad, sister and brother in law all came to our house for the night before they headed back to TN. So we all ate bbq and watched wild woman Meredith jump in one of those bouncy house things and slide down a huge inflatable slide. I can't express how wild she was. It was like 98 degrees outside at 7:00pm, but she could have cared less. Even some of the other dads that were standing around commented on her fearlessness coming down that giant slide. I was secretly praying that we didn't end the night in the ER, but she had a blast and only ended up with a big blister on her toe.

We went to Myrtle Beach last Thurs- Sat, just the 3 of us. It didn't start off very well because of terrible traffic and just a comedy of errors, but we ended up having a good time. Meredith much preferred the pool to the beach and she really did a good job of learning how to kick her feet and swim (we really need to get her in some swimming lessons). She surprised us by totally refusing to sleep in the pack n' play that we brought, so she slept in one of the beds with me one night and Chris the next (she fell out of the bed on his watch!). It may have something to do with the fact that she is way too big for the travel bed, but she still sleeps in her crib at home, so we figured we'd bring it. Even though she is still content in her crib at home and there have been no more climbing out instances for months, we know that it is time to move on up to the big girl bed. We'll start with converting her crib and then move her into a full size bed from the guest room. I can visualize lots of jumping on the bed, but hope it will go well. If it goes as well as getting rid of the pacifier, we should be good. On occasion she still asks for her paci, but I can say that we are paci-free now!! My baby is getting so big!!

We had a nice, but very low key father's day. Meredith and I made 'toads in a hole' for breakfast aka eggs in hole in toast. Meredith gave daddy some good smellin' (that's what we always called cologne we gave our dad) and a tie (that he's already returned). Hillary made homemade pizza at her house and we went and got Locopops up the street from them. I had chocolate wasabi sesame and couldn't resist a second one that was lime coconut sesame. I love how creative they are!

Ok, I think I have bored everyone enough, so I'll say adios for now. I am terrible about uploading pictures, so I won't even pretend I'll have any soon.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm still here

I promise I haven't fallen off the face of the planet... life has just been nutty. I thought I'd get a chance to write a nice long post today, but darn it, work has been keeping me slammed today again! Maybe tomorrow. Whew, off to finish a few more things before I call it a day.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Grandaddy Bill

Chris' grandfather, Bill Smith, passed away yesterday morning after being really sick for several weeks. He was 87 years old. It was 14 years to the day that Chris' grandmother passed away. There is a certain level of reassurance knowing they are together again.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Paci Update

Where do kids take lessons on pitiful? Meredith should have an Emmy, Oscar and Tony award for her performances over the past few days. She actually hasn't been all that bad during the day, but night time has been the hardest. The first night must have just been a fluke because she didn't make a fuss at all about not having her pacifier. Saturday night was another story. She kept finding different things for me to bring to her. She would holler "mommy" at least 15 times in a row and then I'd finally check in with her and she'd ask for milk or she'd ask for a teddy bear, or she didn't want a specific stuffed animal in bed with her....stalling...and asking for her 'pacifaser'...lip poked out, eyes down, lashes fluttering and that extra sweet, pitiful sounding little voice. She really didn't cry much, just took her forever to fall asleep. It must have been 10:30 before the child finally gave in. It took her forever to go down for a nap Sunday and then we lost our power after the thunderstorm last night. It was out from 7pm until She kinda thought it was a cool adventure to have the flashlights out and shine them all over, but she certainly did not want to go to bed in the pitch dark. This was where extra pitiful came into play. She cried and asked over and over for her paci and then she looked up at me through teary eyes and said "Mommy, I sad". I almost went and got the stupid pacifier right then, but we made it through it and she finally drifted off to sleep. The good thing is that she seems to be sleeping well once she gets to sleep and is her normal happy self in the morning. I know it is just a matter of time now, but she has had this thing for her entire life, so it is a huge adjustment for her. She's not buying the 'big girl' thing when she wants that sense of security. 3 nights down....