Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

I have been terrible about keeping up with the blog lately, oops. Suffice it to say that we have been busy with a little diarrhea here a little puke there, a lot of overall funkiness, several trips to the pediatrician, one false diagnosis of hand foot and mouth disease and another 'the puking and pooping is going around' diagnosis. It is just very frustrating to never quite know what is going on with your child when all I know is she is a miserable little thing and I can't do much to make her feel better. I did one of those crazy days Wednesday of going into the office super early, coming home to get Meredith to bring her to the ped, back home until Chris got home, back to the office oh and I fit in a dentist appointment for myself too. She is doing much, much better now, and I have been very thankful for a nice long break from daycare to detox. She'll go back tomorrow and she only has one more full week after that until Chris is out of school for the summer (and my jealousy begins).
I also had my 10 year Meredith reunion last weekend, which ended up being a lot more fun than I had expected. I really didn't plan on going, but a couple of friends talked me into it, so I wrote my $65 check (ugh) and went. I sang in the alumnae choir, which was actually pretty fun since I sang in the Chorale in undergrad and we even sang one of the songs I sang back then. I won't be booking any singing gigs or anything, but it was a nice thing to do that I haven't done in a long time. Our big event was Saturday night at Prime Only downtown and there were probably 60 people that came. Good to see a lot of faces I haven't seen in 10 years. Most everyone had put on a few pounds and most everyone had kid(s). Maybe successful people are the ones who go to reunions, but it was interesting to hear how many people had gone on to get their Masters degrees and have great jobs etc (not that I'm really including myself in the 'successful' crowd). I don't think I really rekindled any major friendships or anything, but I think I may go in 5 more years without as much kicking and screaming. Here are a few pics with Meredith girls class of '98.
Hope everyone has had a nice relaxing Memorial weekend. I got to see my good friend Kelly and the kids played, which was really nice. I always love chatting with her :) We had a cookout yesterday with my sisters (Mom and Papa are in Michigan), but otherwise, we haven't gotten anything done we had planned on doing this weekend. I'm sitting on the patio enjoying the gorgeous weather, dreading returning to work least it's a short week.

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