Thursday, April 17, 2008

Meredith's tastes

Yummy Broccoli!

Snacking on Almonds

I rearranged my dress!

Funny Face!

So, Meredith's appetite has returned. For several weeks, she has been eating like a bird. I felt like it was mostly related to the bulging molars in her mouth and now that two are mostly through, I'm pretty sure that was the culprit. In the past several days, her appetite had returned and thensome! Last night she kept asking for more, so I'd giver her a little something more, expecting her to take a nibble and then announce she is 'finnis', but she would eat everything up! I think I have also figured out that she likes to be served in little courses. I'll start with something like cottage cheese, then move to veggies, then to a sandwich or something as more of a main course. She seems to do better with those smaller portions, one at a time instead of all at once. Some of her more interesting favorites right now are almonds, laughing cow cheese with crackers and broccoli!

Just this morning she became very opinionated about what she wanted to wear. I started pulling out jeans and a tshirt and she said 'no mommy, I wanna dress'. I tried to propose several other options, but she was set on wearing a dress today. I actually thought it was really funny because I remember very clearly wanting to wear dresses all the time when I was little. Remember those fun long 70's dresses? That was me all the way!

Our biggest challenge is still brushing teeth. She absolutely hates it. We keep talking about how brushing her teeth will keep them happy so that they don't get owies and she totally gets it and talks about it, but throws a fit every night. I think it is mostly a battle of power because she likes to brush them herself, but I always want to give it a good finishing scrub to actually get them clean and that's when the screaming starts. I'm kindof at a loss here, but I also don't want her getting cavities at 2!

Her newest favorite show is called 'Lazy Town'. It is really kindof strange, but she really likes it. Speaking of strange shows, has anyone seen 'Yo Gabba Gabba'? That is the weirdest show I've seen. It seems to capture her attention and I don't really see anything wrong with it, just odd. She still loves Dora, Diego and Elmo the best though. Yes, she is still in love with tv.


KCM said...

Jamaie wants to brush his own teeth as well and ends up only chewing the toothbrush. I try to give him one and then sneak mine in his mouth and brush what I can, it sometimes works.
Kiera loves Lazy Town too! It is cute, the guy in it was some world champion aerobics winner from Europe. I think it is good though, teaching the kids healthy choices. And that other show is soooooo weird! I can't let the kids watch it, I can't handle hearing it or seeing it. And what is the point of it?
Hope to see you soon!! kell

Jessica said...

I agree that yo gabba gabba is awful. Very creepy. Lazy town creeps me out a little, but I guess it does have some value...

Meredith wearing dresses will help out a lot when you potty train - she won't have to worry about pulling her pants down. Lydia only wears dresses now, and we have much fewer potty accidents.