Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Let's see. What's going on? First of all, my baby girl isn't a baby anymore. She really is turning into such a little kid! She said what I believe is her first sentence last week. Now, mind you, this is with mommy ears, but she said "I go outside". It came out more like "Ah go oussie", but she was standing at the storm door pointing outside while she said it. Which also leads me to say that she is totally an outside girl. If you have the door open, she just bolts for it so that she can run around in the grass. We really need to invest in a fence because she just wanders/runs between our yard and the neighbors yards on both sides (don't worry, she is under supervision!). She would definitely take off around the front of the house and head for the road for sure if we weren't watching. I'd love to let her just run around, but without a way to keep her corraled, it makes me nervous. She has so much energy that it just makes me tired!
We went to her first baseball game this weekend out at the Mudcats in Zebulon. The whole Smith clan went and we had a really good time. Meredith quite enjoyed climbing underneath everyone's chairs and going up and down the stairs many times. She also found a water fountain with her Nana and she thought that was the coolest thing ever. Got a little wet, but that was the least of our worries! She kinda started falling apart towards the end of the game, so we left a little early and had dinner at Knightdale Seafood, which I highly recommend. I'm an NC girl and have had a lot of bbq, but this place was the best I've ever had! Meredith also enjoyed her first taste of fried okra. She still isn't digging much meat, but we keep trying!
She is working on getting two more teeth on the bottom. One has just popped through and the other one isn't far behind. Her gums have been so swollen lately, that it has to be a relief for these to come through, but once again she has handled it really well.
She's getting better with feeding herself with a spoon. We sat outside on the patio last night for dinner, so I just let her go for it. My goodness she was a mess, but that's what it's going to take for her to really figure it out! I haven't been all that willing to give her free reign to make a disaster (well, more of a disaster) in the house by feeding herself with a spoon, but now that it is nice out I'm just going to let her make a mess when we sit outside! Still not much luck with milk out of a cup. I even tried putting a couple of drops of chocolate sauce into it and she still wouldn't drink it. I just bought two new cups last night, so maybe that will help! I'm going to have sippy cups coming out of my ears soon!
One more bit of excitement is that I am done with school for the semester after tonight! I have a final exam tonight and then I'm off for about 2 weeks before summer session starts. Then I'm on the official 6 week countdown!! This summer class should be a lot of fluff, so overall the meat of my program is OVER!! Yeehaa! I had a presentation on Thursday that just beat me up, but overall it went well. So, my final MBA class will be on June 21st my friends!

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