Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Life is just a crazy mess lately. Class is keeping me super busy two nights a week, plus at least one study group night and homework as well. We had some drama with one of my groupmates from my huge strategy class. He quit our group because he wasn't happy with the decisions we were making and the schedule we had mapped out for meeting wasn't planned enough....whatever. He is taking this way too seriously and the unfortunate part is that all 4 of us have gone through the past 3 years all together and had become friends, but he has chosen to sacrifice that. Trying to move on, but I am having some serious anxiety over this semester because of that issue and because he left our group, we have a lot more individual work to do now... Ugh, I could go on, but I won't.

Meredith is wonderful. Her birthday is Friday and we are having a party on Saturday, so we are looking forward to that. She has both teeth on top and 4 on the bottom now. It's funny because now she liked to scrape her graham crackers on her teeth so she can hear the noise! She just started this hilarious thing the other night of holding the phone up to her ear (well shoulder really) and acting like she's talking. She'll walk around the house holding the phone (or remote control on occassion) and talking. I guess this is the first blatantly obvious example of mimicking, but it also made us realize that we both need to be careful about what we say and do around her!! I certainly let a bad word slip every now and then around her, so I don't want her first real word to be a bad one! Her favorite thing to say lately is 'eh' really loud and repeatedly. She especially likes to hear herself echo in a room with a high ceiling. I've decided that she reminds me of my grandpa because he couldn't hear for anything and would always would yell 'eh?'. Have I mentioned that one of her favorite toys is also the nasal aspirator that we got at the hospital? I think that the rubber feels good on her gums(yes, it is clean!). I know, weird huh? She has just started to actually play with toys. The other night we both watched in awe as she sat on the floor for probably 2-3 minutes and just played. This child NEVER sits still, so it was pretty amazing!

We went to Tennessee this weekend since my in-laws can't come down for her party this weekend. It ended up being a pretty good trip. Chris & I got to spend most of Saturday out and about Knoxville doing some shopping, dinner and a movie while Mimi watched Meredith, which I know is all she wanted to do anyway! I will be very happy to turn her carseat around after her birthday because I think that her legs were a little cramped on the 6 hr trip and she wasn't all that happy on the way home. Also, I won't have to break my back reaching back there to pick up whatever she has dropped.

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