Friday, November 17, 2006


It has been forever since I have posted! Life has been really crazy the past few weeks between work, school & Meredith. I only have a few weeks left in this semester, but that also means case studies and final, fun. Hillary's wedding is a week from tomorrow and family starts arriving early next week for Thanksgiving. Let the fun begin!
Meredith is all over the place. She had her 9 month pediatrician appt last week and weighs 21 pounds and is 28 inches. She is in around the 80th percentile with everything. She had a finger prick so they could check her blood for anemia, flu shot and two other shots. She did well with her finger and just kinda watched as the nurse squeezed her it to get the blood out and she was especially fascinated with the bright blue bandaid she put on her finger and of course tried to eat it. She screamed as loud and as sustained as she ever has with the other shots. She even kinda glared at the nurse as we passed her on the way out of the room! She took a Tylenol induced nap when we got home and then she was totally fine the rest of the day (I took the day off to be with her). She has to go back next month for the second dose of the flu shot since babies under a year only get a half does the first time.
One of her favorite things is climbing the stairs and she bolts for them constantly now. She just kinda looks up at me and then takes off crawling toward the stairs and she giggles and squeals the whole time she is heading towards them. She gets to the landing and turns around and waves! It is the cutest thing ever! She also loves her walker and she can take off across the room pushing it and walking...we try to hold on to it since it goes too fast otherwise, but she is walking well with it. I don't think it will be too terribly long before she takes her first step by herself!
She's eating all kinds of good stuff. I just gave her yogurt for the first time this week and she got a little weirded out by it, but ate it up! She also likes cheese as well. Chris got her some biter biscuits (these little gerber cracker/cookie things that are shaped so she can hold it easily) and she just chowed down! Last night for dinner she was a bottomless pit! She really doesn't need the bottle nearly as much any more and she often doesn't even finish them anymore, so I don't think we are going to have too hard of a time weaning her from the bottle when the time comes. She loves her sippy cup and does well with that too.
So, that is the quick Meredith update :) I'm sure there is more going on, but since I'm stealing time at work to type this, I better get back to it!

This picture is the day before Halloween at the pumpkin patch!

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