Friday, June 09, 2006

18 weeks

Meredith is turning into a little ham. Last night we had to run out to the store and we ran into a parent from Chris’s school. Meredith just grinned and giggled at her and was all kinds of cute. I just look at her sometimes and can’t believe she is the same child because not only has she physically changed so much, but she is just so much happier now. We also took her for her first true studio pictures last weekend and they should be awesome. The photographer was great, but Meredith was also in a really good mood and gave some of those huge grins and cooperated perfectly. I can’t wait to see them!
She is really doing a good job of holding onto toys now and her pacifier has really just become a toy. It helps when she is really tired and needs to get to sleep, but otherwise, she just pulls it out of her mouth, chews on the side, and can even pick it up and get it into her mouth on her own now! I don’t know how long it will be before her teeth actually cut through, but there is no doubt that they are pushing on her gums. I can see the raised area where it is kinda swollen in her mouth and absolutely everything goes in her mouth. I’ve heard that this can go on for months, but I have a feeling hers aren’t far from cutting through…I could be totally wrong though!
She has actually been sleeping quite well lately. Her napping pattern is getting a little more clear these days, which I think is helping her night time sleep. We can actually put her down in her crib while she is awake and within a few minutes, she is asleep. I never thought we’d actually get to that point, but she seems to be doing great! She still wakes up at night sometimes, but will go back to sleep fairly quickly with a pacifier.
Today is Chris’s last day of school, so he has a workday on Monday and will be at home with Meredith for the summer after that. I am quite anxious to get her back home. The babysitter will start keeping her again in August, but she will be so much older by then that I probably won’t worry quite so much…..doubtful since I am such a worrier! Chris and I leave for Cancun next Wednesday for my reward trip from work. I am excited, but having serious anxiety over leaving Meredith. She is staying with my mother-in-law in Tennessee and I know she’ll be just fine, but once again, I’m a worrier. I’m almost done with the first summer school session, so I’ll be glad when that’s over. I have a pretty good A right now, so hopefully I don’t blow it on the final, which is 3 days after I get back from Mexico…goodie. Just checked the weather for Cancun and it says its going to rain the whole time…perfect for my tropical getaway.

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