Friday, June 15, 2012

More teeth & bye bye bottle

Caroline has achieved two more milestones in the past couple of weeks. She is officially bottle free! A little over a week ago, it hit me that it would really be a pain to travel with bottles this summer. She was almost 15 months old, so it was time anyway. That night I just gave her a sippy cup of milk instead and there were no ill effects over night, so I didn't give her a bottle the next morning and the rest is history! She was down to only one in the morning and one at night anyway, so it wasn't that big of a deal, just had to rip off the bandaid!

She also sprouted her 4th, 5th and 6th teeth in the past couple of weeks. Her front two have this little gap and her toothy grin is really funny :) She was a little fussy with them coming in, but it wasn't too bad.

She also had her 15 month checkup this week. She is still 22 lbs (75th %) and she is only 55th % for height and get ready for the head- 95th %. She is definitely smaller than Meredith was at this age, but she is healthy and happy and that's all that matters! She got 3 more shots at the appointment and poor thing was so upset, she didn't even take a breath to let the cry out until after the nurse had already gotten the 3rd one in. She recovered pretty well and didn't even have a fever.

Caroline is my little snuggle bug. She loves to be held and the only other place she lets me put her down is her high chair. She doesn't even always expect food, but it seems to be her 'safe place' and is pretty happy there. She is a pretty good eater too. Her absolute favorite thing right now is blueberries or really any berry. She's pretty good about veggies, but meat is not her favorite. She might eat it if it's mixed up with rice or something, but not just straight up meat.

She's been walking for about 2 months now and is really hustling everywhere now. She bolts for the stairs whenever the gate is down and made it almost all the way upstairs once before I caught her- she's quick! She often stops right on the bottom step and looks back with a mischievous grin bc she knows she's doing something she's not supposed to. She also adores going outside and will stand at the back door reaching for the knob and pointing to her swing.

Meredith finished Kindergarten last week and is now officially ready for the first grade! Hard to believe! Both girls are at home with Chris for the summer now. It makes me a little jealous every year, but then again I'm not sure I'd want that job all summer either! Meredith also had her dance recital last weekend. She was a beautiful fairy in Sleeping Beauty. She has decided that she is done with dance for now. I think that ballet was just a little boring for her this year...she likes more action! She has really been enjoying her gymnastics class, so I think we'll keep her in that for now. Who knows, she may be back in dance next year, but we'll see.

We leave for Aruba in just over a week to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary! The girls will go to Tennessee to stay with Chris' mom and we'll pick them up and head straight up to Michigan for my cousin Susan's wedding reception. It will be a crazy couple of weeks, but I'm really looking forward to it!