Tuesday, August 16, 2011

5 months and a few days

Somehow, the last month has flown away. Caroline is a precious little thing right now. She is smiley and sweet 90% of the time. It seems like her teeth are really bothering her sometimes now though. She constantly chews on anything and everything and drools galore! She officially rolled over for the first time today from tummy to back, but she really isn't in a hurry to do it again though! We still haven't started cereal yet. To be honest, I think a big reason is because our schedule has been crazy mad lately and it's something I don't want to rush. She is sleeping fairly well, but still has the occasional night of waking up at 2am, but generally she is sleeping 9-5. I wish it was a little longer, but it's not too bad. She adores playing with her feet lately too. She can even get those toes into her mouth! It is so cute to see those chunky little legs curled up over her while she plays with those kissable toes :)
A few weeks ago, we met Judy, Joe, Kaci & Evan up at Tweetsie Railroad in Boone. Meredith had an absolute blast riding the rides and would have ridden the big ones if she had been tall enough. She was dying to ride the one that just drops straight down, but alas, she wasn't tall enough! Next year, we might be in trouble! She went to Tennessee for the week and then we went up the next weekend to get her. The week was a little easier just having Caroline, but it definitely wasn't like in years past when Meredith was gone for the week when we'd go to dinner and movies and celebrate a week of freedom!
I hosted a big bridal shower this past weekend for Allison. It was a coffee theme and we had a coffee bar with hot and cold coffee and all the fixins. We had a great turn out and I think everyone had a really nice time. She is down to a month and a half until the big day!
Chris went back to school today for teacher workdays, so it is the end of Daddy Daycare for the summer. I am taking some time off, so Caroline won't start daycare for a few more days. She will be starting with Prissila and she will be keeping Meredith for a few days as well before she starts Kindergarten. I'm heading to Charleston this weekend for Allison's bachelorette weekend, which should be a lot of fun, but the timing is a little crazy! Meredith's first day of Kindergarten is August 24th, but then is off for a few more days due to the staggered entry.