Thursday, May 28, 2009


So, Meredith just said, "Mommy, when can I have a new mommy and daddy?" !?!
I told her she was stuck with us. What in the world?

The other day she also said "I'm a Princess, Mommy's a Princess and Daddy's a Queen". So darn funny!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Bad me

Ok, so I've been beyond bad about keeping up lately! So, I'll try to give an update without going on and on forever!
We recently had a neat opportunity to have some great photos taken of Meredith. My neighbor across the street is a stay at home mom and is starting up her own business as a photographer and wanted to take some pictures of Meredith for her portfolio as well as for a website she was partnering with that sells tutus for little girls. So, Meredith got an adorable tutu, we were thrilled with the pictures and my friend got some great pics for her website! (Meredith is on her April blog as well as he website and she is also on the tutu website- she is 'modeling' the 'birthday diva' tutu)( (

At the end of March, Meredith and I took a road trip with my sisters Hillary and Allison to meet up with my other sister Elizabeth and her family in Florida. Her in-laws have a house in Homassassa Springs, which is near the gulf and they were planning on spending their spring break down there and invited us along! Meredith was wonderful in the car, especially considering we were seriously into potty training at that point. I still kept her in pullups in the car, but she stayed dry almost the whole time. We had some great sister time and Meredith and her cousins, Abby & Jessie, had a blast together. We stopped back through Savannah on the way home and has some awesome low country boil (we tried crawfish for the first time!) and just wandered along the river. All in all, it was a wonderful time and I'm still amazed that it all worked out so well!

Speaking of potty training, we have made some huge strides in the last month or so. I'd say she's 98% trained on #1 and 85% trained on #2. I'm not even going to try to do anything at night for awhile, so a pullup overnight is fine by me! She still wakes up dry quite often, so that's not too far off. Let's say that I'm not totally worried every time we leave the house...I remember the first night we went to a restaurant without her wearing a diaper. I was convinced a puddle would appear under her chair at any minute, but alas, the child managed to pull through and has really done well (for the most part) since. I guess it has taken a full 3 months to get it really controlled.

Meredith spent a week in April in Tennessee with Chris' mom and step dad. Last time Meredith went up there for a week, the week just kinda flew by and we didn't do too much fun stuff. So this time, we promised that we'd do a lot that we normally don't do with her here. We went out almost every night to happy hour or a movie or a a nice dinner. We probably spent too much and ate too much, but it was worth it to really enjoy our time as just us.

Work has been keeping me very busy and things still seem to be quite stable there other than some basic budget tightening that everyone seems to be doing regardless of how business is or isn't. Chris is almost done with school for the summer and he will be the chauffer dad this summer carting Meredith to her busy summer schedule of events! She is starting with swim lessons at Meredith College (her first 'classes' at Meredith :), then a two week dance camp, then a preschool camp at the place my mom teaches at in the summer (yeah!) and then we're off to the beach. She has a calendar all her own!!
I'm really looking forward to the summer and vacation even though my schedule isn't nearly as fun as Meredith's!
Hope everyone is doing well!!