Friday, February 20, 2009

Long time, no post

Meredith had an awesome 3rd birthday party on the 7th. It was freaky warm for February. I'm talking like 70 degrees! It was fabulous because almost everyone (and there was a crowd) spent most of the time outside. I think the kids had a blast with the bouncehouse, swingset and her Little Tykes house in the yard. I think the adults had a good time too....let's say that our keg went dry if that tells you anything! Princess Belle came in the beginning of the party and she was sweet, but not sure she really had control of this wild gang! She was a former student of Chris' and pretty much just does this for fun and asks that you donate some money to the Ronald McDonald awesome?!

We were in Tennessee last weekend, over Valentines day. We really never celebrate V day, but since it was on a Saturday we took advantage and went into Pigeon Forge for the night and left Meredith with Chris' Mom. Nothing fancy, but found a great Mexican place with cheap beer, a Mariachi band and great fajitas. Then Chris humored me and we watched 'Mama Mia'...Love it! Overall, it was a quick trip, but it's a must do every few months.
Amazingly, I would say that Meredith is now 85% potty trained! It is the craziest thing how she just decided it was time. She still has accidents, mostly #2, but she has made incredible progress over the past 2 1/2 weeks.
While she has really improved with the potty thing, she seems to have regressed more with bedtime. The child will stay up until midnight if we let her! It just seems to be a battle every night and she also says she's afraid of the dark. I got her a really cute new nightlight on ebay with her monogram, but it hasn't helped. Yesterday I found this kinda crazy looking nightlight that she can actually have in bed with her at Walmart and she thinks that is pretty cool and helped a bit last night. Chris even made her a CD with some great lullabies and that hasn't had great results either.
Her 3 year old well visit was this past Weds and the doctor called her 'perfect' :) She had a hearing test, which I was glad she passed since she has been acting like she is really sensitive to loud sounds lately. She also proved once again that she is a big girl bc she fell in the 80th %ile for height and weight. The doctor even said she was surprised bc when she looked at her she was sure she was older than 3! The only crazy thing was that they wanted her to pee in a cup...I mean come on, the girl barely goes when I ask her, let alone in a weird bathroom with mommy holding a cup under there!! Needless to say, after much pleading and begging she wouldn't do it and they were cool with it since they said most 3 year olds are barely potty trained anyway....

Ok, enough for now...

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Are there really fairies?

So, is it possible that there is a potty training fairy and she waved her magic wand over my house on the night of Meredith's 3rd birthday? It is the craziest thing, she woke up on Tuesday and told Chris she wanted to wear panties! She has NEVER asked to wear them and when we did put them on her in the past, it just didn't click at all that it wasn't a diaper. She really wanted them, so he put them on her and took her to daycare where she had one accident, but did really well with them on all day. She had one more accident at home last night, but she made it more than she didn't. We still put a pullup on her at bedtime and she actually seemed semi-bothered about it! Holy cow, is there a magical switch that turns on at 3?? It is by far entirely too early to call it, but I think we are actually really on our way now! People kept telling me that it just seems to happen all of the sudden and I think we may FINALLY be on the verge! Hallelujah!

Monday, February 02, 2009

Happy Birthday Meredith!

Today is Meredith's 3rd Birthday! I'm having a hard time really believing that she is 3! She still isn't potty trained like I had hoped she would be by her birthday, but oh well, it will come. Chris and I are going to go have a little party at her daycare this afternoon, then we're going out for Mexican with my parents and maybe her aunt Hillary.

Snapfish is not cooperating with me today and I'm having a hard time retrieving pictures, but wanted to post a little timeline in pictures. Don't have a real birthday picture, but it is 6mos, 1 yr, 2 yr and last week!